
/lawng"hair', long"-/, Informal.
1. Sometimes Disparaging. an intellectual.
2. a person, often gifted, who is very interested in or devoted to the arts, esp. a performer, composer, or lover of classical music.
3. a person having long hair, esp. a hippie.
4. a cat having long fur.
adj. Also, longhaired.
5. having long hair: a longhair cat.
6. of or characteristic of longhairs or their tastes.
[1915-20; LONG1 + HAIR]

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Generic term for any member of breeds of domestic cats noted for their long, soft, flowing coat.

Longhair breeds include Balinese, Birman, Cymric, Himalayan, Javanese, Norwegian forest cat, Maine coon cat, Persian, Ragdoll, Somali, and Turkish Angora. Though considered more lethargic than shorthair cats, longhairs are, like shorthairs, noted for playfulness, affection, and the ability to defend themselves if necessary.

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also called  Persian,  
 breed of domestic cat (cat, domestic) noted for its long, soft, flowing coat. Long-haired cats were originally known as Persians, or Angoras. These names were later discarded in favour of the name longhair, although the cats are still commonly called Persians in the United States. The longhair, a medium-sized or large cat with a cobby (stocky), short-legged body, has a broad, round head, a snub nose, and a short, heavily haired tail. The large, round eyes may be blue, orange, golden, green, or copper-coloured, depending on the colour of the cat. The soft, finely textured coat forms a heavy ruff about the neck.

      The longhair is bred in a number of colour varieties. The solid, or self, colours are white, black, blue, red, and cream. Patterned coats include shaded silver and black (smoke); silver, brown, blue, or red with darker markings (tabby); white finely ticked with black (chinchilla); cream, red, and black (tortoiseshell); calico, or tortoiseshell and white; blue-gray and cream intermingled (blue cream); and bicoloured. The colours of tortoiseshells, calicos, and blue creams are genetically linked with the sex of the cat. Almost all are females, and most of the few males are sterile. Blue-eyed white cats may be deaf.

      Longhairs with Siamese markings (i.e., pale body and dark face, ears, legs, and tail) are Himalayans (Himalayan), or colourpoints. Similarly marked longhairs with white paws are called Birmans. Peke-faced longhairs have short, pushed-in, Pekingese-like faces.

      Longhair cats, although generally considered more languorous than short-haired cats, are, like shorthairs, noted for playfulness, affection, and the ability to defend themselves if necessary.

       Selected longhair breeds of catsSee the Table of Selected Longhair Breeds of Cats (Selected longhair breeds of cats) for further information.

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  • longhair — (n.) also long hair, cat with long hair, 1893, from LONG (Cf. long) (adj.) + HAIR (Cf. hair). As intellectual, especially in musical tastes, devotee of classical music, 1920. Sense of hippie attested from 1969 …   Etymology dictionary

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  • longhair(1) — 1. {n.}, {slang} A male hippie. * /Who s that longhair? It s Joe./ 2. An intellectual who prefers classical music to jazz or acid rock. * /Catwallender is a regular longhair; he never listens to modern jazz./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • longhair — noun Date: 1920 1. an impractical intellectual 2. a person of artistic gifts or interests; especially a lover of classical music 3. a person with long hair; especially hippie 4. a domestic cat having long outer fur • long haired or longhair… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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