- long
—longly, adv. —longness, n./lawng, long/, adj. longer /lawng"geuhr, long"-/, longest /lawng"gist, long"-/, n., adv.adj.1. having considerable linear extent in space: a long distance; a long handle.2. having considerable duration in time: a long conversation; a long while.3. extending, lasting, or totaling a number of specified units: eight miles long; eight hours long.4. containing many items or units: a long list.5. requiring a considerable time to relate, read, etc.: a long story.6. extending beyond normal or moderate limits: a long, boring speech.7. experienced as passing slowly, because of the difficulty, tedium, or unpleasantness involved: long years of study.8. reaching well into the past: a long memory.9. the longer of two or the longest of several: the long way home; a brick with the long side exposed.10. taking a long time; slow: He's certainly long getting here.11. forward-looking or considering all aspects; broad: to take a long view of life.12. intense, thorough, or critical; seriously appraising: a long look at one's past mistakes.13. having an ample supply or endowment of something (often fol. by on): to be long on advice; to be long on brains.14. having a considerable time to run, as a promissory note.15. Chiefly Law. distant or remote in time: a long date.16. extending relatively far: a man with a long reach.17. being higher or taller than usual: long casement windows.18. being against great odds; unlikely: a long chance.19. (of beverages) mixed or diluted with a large amount of soda, seltzer, etc.: highballs, collinses, and other long drinks.20. (of the head or skull) of more than ordinary length from front to back.21. Phonet.a. lasting a relatively long time: "Feed" has a longer sound than "feet" or "fit."b. belonging to a class of sounds considered as usually longer in duration than another class, as the vowel of bought as compared to that of but, and in many languages serving as a distinctive feature of phonemes, as the ah in German Bahn in contrast with the a in Bann, or the tt in Italian fatto in contrast with the t in fato (opposed to short).c. having the sound of the English vowels in mate, meet, mite, mote, moot, and mute, historically descended from vowels that were long in duration.22. Pros. (of a syllable in quantitative verse) lasting a longer time than a short syllable.23. Finance. holding or accumulating stocks, futures, commodities, etc., with the expectation of a rise in prices: a long position in chemicals.24. Gambling.a. marked by a large difference in the numbers of the given betting ratio or in the amounts wagered: long odds.b. of or pertaining to the larger amount bet.25. Ceram. (of clay) very plastic; fat.n.26. a comparatively long time: They haven't been gone for long. Will it take long?27. something that is long: The signal was two longs and a short.28. a size of garment for men who are taller than average.29. a garment, as a suit or overcoat, in this size: The shorts and the longs are hung separately.30. Finance. a person who accumulates or holds stocks or commodities with the expectation of a rise in prices.31. Music. longa.32. before long, soon: We should have news of her whereabouts before long.33. the long and the short of, the point or gist of; substance of: The long and the short of it is that they will be forced to sell all their holdings. Also, the long and short of.adv.34. for or through a great extent of space or, esp., time: a reform long advocated.35. for or throughout a specified extent, esp. of time: How long did he stay?37. throughout a specified period of time (usually used to emphasize a preceding noun): It's been muggy all summer long.38. at a point of time far distant from the time indicated: long before.39. as long as,a. provided that: As long as you can come by six, I'll be here.b. seeing that; since: As long as you're going to the grocery anyway, buy me a pint of ice cream.c. Also, so long as. during the time that; through the period that: As long as we were neighbors, they never invited us inside their house.[bef. 900; (adj.) ME longe, OE lang, long; c. D, G lang, ON langr, Goth langs, L longus; (n.) late ME, deriv. of the adj.; (adv.) ME long(e), lange, OE longe, lange, c. OS, OHG lango]Syn. 1. lengthy, extensive. 2. protracted, prolonged, extended. 6. overlong, wordy, prolix; tedious, boring.long2/lawng, long/, v.i.to have an earnest or strong desire or craving; yearn: to long for spring; to long to return home.[bef. 900; ME longen, OE langian grow longer, yearn after, summon; see LONG1]long3/lawng, long/, v.i.1. Archaic. to be suitable or fitting.2. Obs. to be the possession; belong.[1150-1200; ME longen to be suitable or proper, BELONG, deriv. of long on account (of), attributable (to), dependent (on), OE gelang belonging (to), dependent (on); see ALONG]
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(as used in expressions)long range navigationLong Huey Piercelong distance running* * *
Universalium. 2010.