- editorin chief
editor in chief
n. pl. editors in chief
The editor having final responsibility for the operations and policies of a publication.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
WASEDA BUNGAKU — Waseda bungaku (Waseda Literature) is the journal of Waseda University’s literature department. Since Tsubouchi Shoyo published the first issue in 1891, the journal has witnessed 10 different “eras,” each emphasizing a different style and… … Japanese literature and theater
Garci, José-Luis — b. 1944, Madrid Filmmaker Garci began his career in film as a critic, writing for Signo, Aún and Cinestudio, and acting as editorin chief of Reseña and Revista SP for two years. In 1970 he began writing scripts for films such as La cabina… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
Zetkin, Clara — (1857–1933) Born in Saxony, Zetkin was one of the foremost figures in the German workers’ movement, and an activist in the campaign for women’s rights. Zetkin had her political baptism as a member of the German Social Democrat Party (SPD),… … Historical dictionary of Marxism