- logia
/loh"gee euh, -jee euh, log"ee euh/, n.
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(Greek: “sayings,” “words,” or “discourses”), hypothetical collection, either written or oral, of the sayings of Jesus, which might have been in circulation around the time of the composition of the Synoptic Gospels (i.e., those of Matthew, Mark, and Luke). Most biblical scholars agree that Matthew and Luke based their written accounts largely on The Gospel According to Mark. The versions of Matthew and Luke, however, both share a good deal of material that is absent from Mark. This shared material is largely made up of sayings attributed to Jesus, an ostensible coincidence that has led biblical scholars to hypothesize the existence of an undetermined source, perhaps the logia, from which the shared material is drawn.Matthew and Luke, however, share narrative material as well as the sayings of Jesus. Scholars have therefore hypothesized the existence of a kind of proto-gospel that incorporates the logia. Experts have called this hypothetical source Q (from German Quelle, “source”). The existence of Q, sometimes called the lost source, is theoretical; some scholars, although believing that Q exists, contend that the logia is an entirely different entity.The first references to the logia were made by Papias, a 2nd-century bishop of Hierapolis in Asia Minor, in his work Logiōn kyriakōn exēgēseis (“Interpretation of the Logia of the Lord”), and by other early Christian writers, such as Polycarp, a 2nd-century bishop of Smyrna in Asia Minor. According to Eusebius, a 4th-century church historian, Papias wrote that the Apostle Matthew arranged the logia of Jesus in an orderly form in Hebrew.Some scholars contend that the logia was a collection of Old Testament oracles predicting the coming of the Messiah, but this view has been challenged. Though the logia may not have been part of the theoretical lost source known as Q or of the Old Testament messianic oracles, it is generally assumed that early Christians either wrote down or transmitted orally the sayings of Jesus, much as Jews of the period collected the sayings of respected rabbis, and that this material was used by both Matthew and Luke.* * *
Universalium. 2010.