- loaf bread
South Midland and Southern U.S.commercially baked bread; store-bought bread.[1550-60]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
loaf-bread — loafˈ bread noun (Scot) Ordinary plain bread • • • Main Entry: ↑loaf … Useful english dictionary
loaf bread — batonas statusas Aprobuotas sritis duonos ir miltiniai gaminiai apibrėžtis Pailgas ovalus pyrago kepinys, kuriame pagal receptūrą kvietiniai miltai sudaro ne mažiau kaip 50 proc. viso grūdų produktų kiekio. atitikmenys: angl. loaf bread vok.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
loaf bread — South Midland and Southern U.S. commercially baked bread; store bought bread. [1550 60] … Useful english dictionary
loaf — I. /loʊf / (say lohf) noun (plural loaves /loʊvz / (say lohvz)) 1. a portion of bread or cake baked in a mass of definite form. 2. a shaped or moulded mass of food, as of sugar, chopped meat, etc.: a veal loaf. {Middle English lo(o)f, Old English …
loaf — loaf1 /lohf/, n., pl. loaves /lohvz/. 1. a portion of bread or cake baked in a mass, usually oblong with a rounded top. 2. a shaped or molded mass of food, as of sugar or chopped meat: a veal loaf. 3. Brit. a. the rounded head of a cabbage,… … Universalium
loaf — I [[t]loʊf[/t]] n. pl. loaves (lōvz). 1) coo a portion of bread or cake usu. baked in an oblong mass with a rounded top 2) coo a shaped or molded mass of food, as of chopped meat: a veal loaf[/ex] • Etymology: bef. 950; ME lo(o)f, OE hlāf loaf,… … From formal English to slang
bread — [OE] The general Germanic word for ‘bread’ in prehistoric times was what we now know as loaf; bread probably originally meant simply ‘(piece of) food’, but as bread was among the commonest foods, the word bread gradually became more specialized,… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
bread — [OE] The general Germanic word for ‘bread’ in prehistoric times was what we now know as loaf; bread probably originally meant simply ‘(piece of) food’, but as bread was among the commonest foods, the word bread gradually became more specialized,… … Word origins
Bread roll — Bread rolls at a bakery German style bread rolls A … Wikipedia
BREAD — (Heb. לֶחֶם, leḥem), a baked commodity from a cereal flour. The primary sense of leḥem is food in general (Gen. 37:25; Num. 28:2; I Kings 5:2; etc.). The Ugaritic lḥm has the same general sense and the same particular sense, while the Arabic… … Encyclopedia of Judaism