Liu Shaoqi

Liu Shaoqi
/lyooh" show"chee"/
1898-1973, Chinese Communist leader: head of state 1959-66.
Also, Wade-Giles, Liu Shao-ch'i.

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or Liu Shao-ch'i

born Nov. 24, 1898, Ningxiang district, Hunan province, China
died Nov. 12, 1969, Kaifeng, Henan province

Chairman of the People's Republic of China (195968) and chief theoretician of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

An activist communist background from the 1920s helped Liu's rise within the CCP in the 1930s and '40s, while his excellent education and studies in the Soviet Union made him an effective spokesman for the new government in China. When Mao resigned as chairman after the failure of his Great Leap Forward, Liu assumed the title. His policies for revitalizing agriculture by permitting peasants to cultivate private plots and giving them monetary incentives were ones to which Mao later strongly objected. In 1968 Liu was purged from power for being a "capitalist roader" and Lin Biao was appointed Mao's successor. Not until 1974 was Liu's death in 1969 made public.

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Chinese statesman
Wade-Giles romanization  Liu Shao-ch'i  
born Nov. 24, 1898, Ningxiang, Hunan province, China
died Nov. 12, 1969, Kaifeng, Henan province
 chairman of the People's Republic of China (195968) and chief theoretician for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), who was considered the heir apparent to Mao Zedong until he was purged in the late 1960s. Liu was active in the Chinese labour movement from its inception, and he was influential in formulating party and, later, governmental strategy. He played an important role in Chinese foreign affairs after the communists had gained control of the country.

Early life and career
      Liu was the youngest son of a rich peasant landowner. He attended middle school, went to an army school in Changsha, and in 1919 studied French in North China. One year later, Liu joined the Socialist Youth League and subsequently journeyed to Moscow, where he enrolled in the University for Toilers of the East and became a member of the newly formed CCP. Liu's education and his extensive experience abroad later made him one of the most cosmopolitan of the Chinese leaders.

      In 1922 Liu returned to China, where he helped organize the First National Labour Congress in May. Soon after this he was assigned to the Secretariat of the Hunan provincial party organization as an aide to Mao Zedong. Late that year Liu went to the Anyuan colliery to organize miners for what was to become a successful strike. From this time onward he became increasingly more involved in the labour movementas leader of a sympathy strike in February 1923, as vice-chairman of the All-China Federation of Labour in May 1925, and as secretary general of the Third National Labour Congress in 1926.

      The year 1926 marked the high point of the Chinese labour movement. When the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) and the CCP split in April 1927, Liu and his comrades found the urban component of the Chinese communist movement decimated by Nationalist forces, and so they fled underground. In late May, Liu was elected to the Fifth Central Committee of the CCP.

      After the turbulence of 1927, Liu's ascendancy in the party was rapid; he was named director of the workers' department in mid-1928, and in the following year he assumed the post of secretary of the Manchurian Provincial Party Committee, a post he later relinquished (early 1931) in order to go to Shanghai. By 1931 the centre of gravity of the Chinese communist movement had shifted away from the cities to rural areas, but Liu remained in Shanghai, underground, taking part in movements in opposition to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria (Northeast China) and encroachment in North China.

      In late 1932 Liu joined Mao Zedong's forces in Jiangxi province and was named head of the All-China Federation of Labour; by 1934 he had gained a seat on the Political Bureau (Politburo) of the Sixth Central Committee. Shortly after his elevation to the Political Bureau, he left Mao's forces, who had finished their Long March, and went to Tianjin to agitate further against the Japanese. In early 1936 Liu was designated secretary of the party's North China Bureau. When the war with Japan had spread to most of China, he was put in charge of the Central Plain Bureau of the CCP, and in this position he worked closely with the communist New Fourth Army operating in Central China.

      In mid-1939 in Yan'an (the communist headquarters), Liu delivered a famous series of lectures calledHow To Be a Good Communist.” In these talks he drew upon all his organizational experience as a labour leader and underground figure to define the demands to be made upon all party members; at this point Liu began to assume the role of chief theoretician for the party. He delivered another important talk in July 1941, entitledOn Intraparty Struggle,” which further enhanced his position as the party's theoretical spokesman.

      In 1943 Liu was named secretary of the Central Secretariat and vice-chairman of the People's Revolutionary Military Council, making him one of the most powerful men in the Chinese communist hierarchy. By June 1945 he was clearly spokesman for party affairs, and at the Seventh Party Congress he delivered the major address, entitledOn the Party.” During the closing days of World War II, Mao Zedong and Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) were engaged in talks at Chongqing, and Liu served as acting chairman in Mao's absence. By Oct. 1, 1949, the communists controlled much of China, the People's Republic of China had been established, and Liu had been named vice-chairman of the new government.

Experience with Soviet leadership
      Once the Chinese communists had achieved power, Liu's cosmopolitan outlook and experience with the Soviet leadership enabled him to act as initial spokesman for Beijing's new hard-line foreign policy, and it also gave him a central role in the formation of China's industrialization plans; both endeavours were dependent on Moscow in 1949. For these reasons Liu headed the Sino-Soviet Friendship Association in 194954 and led the Chinese delegation to the Soviet 19th Party Congress in October 1952.

      In August 1954, at the First National People's Congress, Liu was elected chairman of the Standing Committee. His influence was not confined to state organs, however, but extended also into the party, where in late 1953 and early 1954 he led a purge of regional power holders. Subsequently his position in the party grew, and by 1956 he was clearly Mao Zedong's heir apparent.

      During the second session of the Eighth Party Congress in May 1958, Liu outlined the strategy for the second five-year economic plan (called the Great Leap Forward), which was to lay the foundation for the rapid industrialization of China. Shortly after the initiation of the Great Leap Forward, however, it became apparent that industrialization could not be achieved as rapidly as hoped, and a policy of retrenchment was called for. Partly as a result of the failures of the Great Leap, Mao relinquished his position as chairman of the People's Republic, though he remained party chairman, and Liu assumed the chairmanship in April 1959. During this period, Liu tried to revitalize agriculture by initiating policies that permitted peasants to cultivate private plots and spurred them on with monetary incentives; both were policies to which Mao later strongly objected.

      In his new post as head of state, Liu began to play a more prominent role in foreign affairs, receiving state visitors from Indonesia, the Soviet Union, Pakistan, Ghana, Cuba, North Vietnam, Cambodia, and North Korea. In addition, he traveled abroad rather extensively during 195966. Upon reaching this pinnacle, however, Liu became one of the most important figures to be purged in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (196676). Many persons associated with him, such as Peng Zhen, mayor of Beijing, and Deng Xiaoping, a member of the Political Bureau, were also purged, decimating what had been viewed as a highly cohesive Chinese leadership. In October 1968 Liu was stripped of party positions and labeled China's Khrushchev, and, by April 1969, a new constitutionally designated successor to Mao had been chosenLin Biao, head of the armed forces. In the autumn of 1971 Lin Biao disappeared, and it was announced that he—“a conspirator and arch-traitor”—had died in an airplane crash while fleeing from an attempt to assassinate Mao.

      During 1974 rumours of Liu's death gained wide circulation, and on October 31 a communist newspaper in Hong Kong confirmed the fact. No details of date or place of death were revealed, however, until May 1980, when the Beijing Review reported that Liu had died on Nov. 12, 1969, in Kaifeng, northern Henan province.

Possible causes of Liu's fall
      The causes of Liu's fall (and events leading to Lin Biao's death) are not clear. For several years the names of Liu, Deng, and Lin were linked, and the three were condemned in the party press ascapitalist roadersintent on defeating the revolution. After Mao's death, on Sept. 9, 1976, however, his widow, Jiang Qing, and her so-called Gang of Four undertook a coup that was quickly aborted. Hua Guofeng, a relatively junior member of the hierarchy, achieved party leadership, and Deng Xiaoping was rehabilitated. Then, in February 1980, the 11th Central Committee of the CCP decidedto completely rehabilitateLiu, calling him agreat Marxist and proletarian revolutionary,” and to remove the labels ofrenegade, traitor, and scabformerly attached to him. Lin was then identified with the Gang of Four and charged withconcocting false evidenceand subjecting Liu topolitical frame-up and physical persecutionwhile overthrowing other leaders on the charge of being Liu's agents.

      While little is known of Liu's first four spouses, his fifth wife, Wang Guangmei, achieved great notoriety during the Cultural Revolution for herbourgeoislife-style. Liu had at least eight children, none of whom achieved political prominence.

Robert C. North

Additional Reading
Donald W. Klein and Anne B. Clark, Biographic Dictionary of Chinese Communism, 19211965 (1971), is a monumental two-volume set that gives an excellent discussion of Liu's life; Liu Shaoqi, The Collected Works of Liu Shao-ch'i [Liu Shaoqi], 3 vol. (196869), is an anthology of Liu's major statements; Fifth Plenary Session of 11th C.C.P. Central Committee, Beijing Review, No. 10 (March 10, 1980), pp. 310, documents official rehabilitation measures. A more recent study is Lowell Dittmer, Liu Shaoqi and the Chinese Cultural Revolution, rev. ed. (1998).

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