
é·cor·ché (ā'kôr-shāʹ) n.
An anatomical representation of all or part of the body with the skin removed so as to display the musculature.
  [French, from past participle of écorcher, to flay, from Latin excorticāre: ex-, off, away; see ex- + cortex, cortic-, bark, skin; see cortex.]

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French“flayed,” or “skinned”
 anatomical figure depicting an animal or human with the skin removed to show the location and interplay of the muscles.

      From roughly the 15th century, Western artists began to concern themselves with accurate representation of the body—and, in particular, the working of muscles. Often artists witnessed (and sometimes performed) dissections on cadavers to determine the position and function of anatomical structures, and they made three-dimensional écorché models. These models became an essential part of most artists' studio equipment. Many drawings were made of such models—those of Leonardo da Vinci are especially well known—and some were reproduced in textbooks devoted to art or anatomy. Andreas Vesalius (Vesalius, Andreas) published his masterpiece, De humani corporis fabrica (“On the Structure of the Human Body”), and a similar work for artists that he called Epitome in 1543.

      One of the most remarkable series are George Stubbs (Stubbs, George)'s engravings for The Anatomy of the Horse (1766), the original pencil drawings for which are in the Royal Academy of Arts in London. An écorché statue by Jean-Antoine Houdon (1741–1828) was much copied for use in art studios.

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  • écorché — écorché, ée [ ekɔrʃe ] n. • 1766; de écorcher 1 ♦ Personne écorchée. ⇒ écorcher. Loc. Un écorché vif : une personne d une sensibilité excessive, qui se sent facilement blessée. Une sensibilité d écorché vif. 2 ♦ N. m. Statue d homme, d animal… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Écorché — An écorché is a figure drawn, painted, or sculpted showing the muscles of the body without skin. Renaissance architect and theorist, Leon Battista Alberti recommended that when painters intend to depict a nude, they should first arrange the… …   Wikipedia

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