- lipotropin
/lip'euh troh"pin, luy'peuh-/, n. Biochem.a large polypeptide of the pituitary gland from which endorphins and other endogenous opiates are thought to derive.[1960-65; LIPOTROP(IC) + -IN2]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
lipotropin — [lip΄ōtrō′pin] n. a hormone made in the pituitary gland, that stimulates release of fatty acids from adipose tissue: its amino acid sequence includes an endorphin … English World dictionary
Lipotropin — protein Name = proopiomelanocortin (adrenocorticotropin/ beta lipotropin/ alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone/ beta melanocyte stimulating hormone/ beta endorphin) caption = width = HGNCid = 9201 Symbol = POMC AltSymbols = EntrezGene = 5443 OMIM … Wikipedia
Lipotropin — Proopiomelanocortin Derivate POMC γ MSH ACTH … Deutsch Wikipedia
lipotropin — A pituitary hormone mobilizing fat from adipose tissue. β L. is a single chain peptide of 91 amino acyl residues that contains the sequences of endorphins, metenkephalin, and β melanotropin; γ l. is shorter and is identical in sequence to the N… … Medical dictionary
Lipotropin — Li|po|tro|pin [↑ Lip u. ↑ tropin], das; s, e; Syn.: lipotropes Hormon (LPH): den Fettstoffwechsel steuernde Hypophysen Hormone aus 89–93 Aminosäuren (β L.) sowie 58 Aminosäuren (γ L.), deren Sequenzen teilw. mit denen von Corticotropin,… … Universal-Lexikon
lipotropin — lipotropinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Baltyminis hipofizės hormonas. atitikmenys: angl. lipotropic hormone; lipotropin rus. липотропин; липотропный гормон ryšiai: sinonimas – lipotropinis hormonas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lipotropin — ˌlipəˈtrōpə̇n, ˌlī noun ( s) Etymology: lipotropic + in : either of two protein hormones of the adenohypophysis that function in the mobilization of fat reserves ; especially : beta lipotropin herein … Useful english dictionary
lipotropin — noun Date: 1964 either of two protein hormones of the pituitary gland that function in the mobilization of fat reserves … New Collegiate Dictionary
lipotropin — (= LPH; lipotropic hormone; adipokinetic hormone) Polypeptide hormone ( b form: 9894D, 91 residues; g form has only residues 1 58 of b ) from the pituitary hypophysis, that is of particular interest because it is the precursor of endorphins,… … Dictionary of molecular biology
lipotropin — noun A pituitary hormone that promotes the metabolism of fat, and is a precursor to the endorphins … Wiktionary