Lipogram — Lip o*gram (l[i^]p [ o]*gr[a^]m; 277), n. [Gr. lei pein, lipei^n, to leave, omit + gram.] A writing composed of words not having a certain letter or letters; as in the Odyssey of Tryphiodorus there was no A in the first book, no B in the second,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lipogram — A lipogram (from Greek lipagrammatos , missing letter ) is a kind of constrained writing or word game consisting of writing paragraphs or longer works in which a particular letter or group of letters is missing, usually a common vowel, the most… … Wikipedia
lipogram — noun A word, or writing which omits a symbol or symbols. transubstantiationalists is a particularly long lipogram See Also: antilipo, lipogramatic, liponol, liponym … Wiktionary
lipogram — noun a composition from which the writer omits a certain letter or letters. Derivatives lipogrammatic adjective Origin C18: back form. from Gk lipogrammatos lacking a letter , from lip , leipein leave (out) + gramma letter … English new terms dictionary
lipogram — lip·o·gram … English syllables
lipogram — /ˈlɪpəgræm/ (say lipuhgram) noun a piece of text in which the writer has decided not to use a particular letter, resulting in the exclusion of all words containing that letter. {lipo(graphy) + gram1 (def. 1) …
lipogram — n. composition in which all words containing a certain letter or letters are omitted … Dictionary of difficult words
lipogram — noun a text that excludes a particular letter or particular letters of the alphabet • Hypernyms: ↑text, ↑textual matter … Useful english dictionary
Gadsby (book) — Infobox bodystyle=width:20em; abovestyle=background:inherit; font weight:bold; font style:italic; labelstyle=background:inherit; white space:nowrap; above=Gadsby: Champion of Youth label1=Author data1=Vin Wright label2=Also known as data2= Gadsby … Wikipedia
Oulipo — French literature By category French literary history Medieval 16th century … Wikipedia