
echinococcus [ē kī΄nō käk′əs, ek΄i nōkäk′əs]
ModL /span> ECHINO- + -COCCUS
any of a genus (Echinococcus) of tapeworms that cause disease in mammals: see HYDATID

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e·chi·no·coc·cus (ĭ-kī'nə-kŏkʹəs) n. pl. e·chi·no·coc·ci (-kŏkʹsī', -kŏkʹī')
Any of several parasitic tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus, the larvae of which infect mammals and form large, spherical cysts in the liver or lungs, causing serious or fatal disease.
  [New Latin Echīnococcus, genus name : echino- + -coccus.]

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Universalium. 2010.

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