
/limp"see/, adj. Dial.
flimsy; limp; weak; lazy; flaccid.
Also, limpsey, limsy /lim"see/.
[1815-25, Amer.; LIMP2 + -SY]

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  • Limpsy — Limp sy (l[i^]mp s[y^]), Limsy Lim sy (l[i^]m s[y^]), a. [See {Limp}, a., and cf. W. llymsi having a fickle motion, weak. Cf. {Flimsy}.] Limp; flexible; flimsy. [Local, U. S.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • limpsy — or limpsey [limp′sē] adj. limpsier, limpsiest Dial. limp, as from exhaustion or weakness …   English World dictionary

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  • Limsy — Limpsy Limp sy (l[i^]mp s[y^]), Limsy Lim sy (l[i^]m s[y^]), a. [See {Limp}, a., and cf. W. llymsi having a fickle motion, weak. Cf. {Flimsy}.] Limp; flexible; flimsy. [Local, U. S.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flabby — adj 1. flaccid, unfirm, out of tone; drooping, pendulous, quaggy, limp, Dial. limpsy, Inf. out of shape. 2. weak, feeble, impotent, powerless, strengthless; nerveless, spineless, Sl. gutless, Sl. chicken …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • flaccid — adj flabby, unfirm; drooping, pendulous; soft, quaggy, limp, Dial. limpsy …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • insipid — adj 1. flat, uninteresting, unentertaining, inexpressive, unimaginative, colorless, jejune, Sl. blah; unanimated, spiritless, zestless, sapless, tame, lifeless, empty, Sl. dead, Sl. nothing; pointless, impotent, weak, feeble, anemic, limp, namby… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • lazy — adj 1. idle, indolent, slothful, faineant, do nothing, otiose; unindustrious, unenterprising, unambitious, nonaggressive; listless, Dial. limpsy, lackadaisical, insouciant, pococurante, easy going, free and easy, carefree; shiftless, worthless,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • limp — I v 1. hobble, hitch, walk lamely; totter, dodder, toddle, stagger, seesaw, move unsteadily, teeter; falter, halt, pause, hesitate; shuffle, shamble, drag one s feet. 2. crawl, creep, inch, drag, move slowly. n 3. hobble, hitch, jerk,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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