- ligamentous
—ligamentously, adv./lig'euh men"teuhs/, adj.pertaining to, of the nature of, or forming a ligament.[1675-85; LIGAMENT + -OUS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Ligamentous — Ligamental Lig a*men tal (l[i^]g [.a]*m[e^]n tal), Ligamentous Lig a*men tous (l[i^]g [.a]*m[e^]n t[u^]s), a. [Cf. F. ligamenteux.] Composing a ligament; of the nature of a ligament; binding; as, a strong ligamentous membrane. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ligamentous — Relating to or of the form or structure of a ligament. * * * lig·a·men·tous .lig ə ment əs adj 1) of or relating to a ligament <ligamentous laxity> 2) forming or formed of a ligament <ligamentous connections> lig·a·men·tous·ly adv * * … Medical dictionary
ligamentous — ligament ► NOUN Anatomy 1) a short band of tough, flexible, fibrous tissue which connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint. 2) a membranous fold that supports an organ and keeps it in position. DERIVATIVES ligamentous adjective.… … English terms dictionary
Ligamentous laxity — is a term given to describe loose ligaments. In a normal body, ligaments (which are the tissues that connect bones to each other) are naturally tight in such a way that the joints are restricted to normal ranges of motion. This creates normal… … Wikipedia
ligamentous — adjective see ligament … New Collegiate Dictionary
ligamentous — adjective a) of or pertaining to ligaments b) forming part of a ligament … Wiktionary
ligamentous — adj. of or pertaining to a ligament, forming a ligament (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary
ligamentous — lig·a·men·tous … English syllables
ligamentous — lig•a•men•tous [[t]ˌlɪg əˈmɛn təs[/t]] adj. pertaining to, of the nature of, or forming a ligament • Etymology: 1675–85 lig a•men′tous•ly, adv … From formal English to slang
ligamentous — /lɪgəˈmɛntəs/ (say liguh mentuhs) adjective relating to, of the nature of, or forming a ligament. Also, ligamentary /lɪgəˈmɛntəri/ (say liguh mentuhree) …