
lichenization, n.lichenlike, adj.
/luy"keuhn/, n.
1. any complex organism of the group Lichenes, composed of a fungus in symbiotic union with an alga and having a greenish, gray, yellow, brown, or blackish thallus that grows in leaflike, crustlike, or branching forms on rocks, trees, etc.
2. Pathol. any of various eruptive skin diseases.
3. to cover with or as if with lichens.
[1595-1605; < L lichen < Gk leichén]

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Any of about 15,000 species of small, colourful, scaly plants that consist of a symbiotic association of algae (usually green) and fungi (see fungus).

These extremely hardy, slow growers often are pioneer species in sparse environments such as mountaintops and the far North. Fungal cells, anchored to the substrate with hairlike growths (rhizines), form the base. In the body (thallus), numerous algal cells are distributed among fewer fungal cells. Through photosynthesis the algal cells provide simple sugars and vitamins for both partners in this symbiotic association. The fungal cells protect the algal cells from environmental extremes. Lichens may form a thin, crustlike, tightly bound covering over their substrate (e.g., cracks in rocks), or they may be small and leafy, with loose attachments to the substrate. Their colours range from brown to bright orange or yellow. In far northern Europe and Asia, lichens provide two-thirds of caribou and reindeer food. They have been the source of medicines and dyes.

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      any of about 15,000 species of thallophytic plantlike organisms that consist of a symbiotic association of algae (usually green) and fungi (fungus) (mostly ascomycetes and basidiomycetes).

      Lichens were once classified as single organisms until the advent of microscopy, when the association of algae and fungi became evident. There is still some discussion about how to classify lichens.

      Lichens have been used by humans as food and as sources of medicine and dye. They also provide two-thirds of the food supply for the caribou and reindeer that roam the far northern ranges.

      The composite body of a lichen is called a thallus (plural thalli). The homoeomerous type of thallus consists of numerous algal cells (called the phycobionts) distributed among a lesser number of fungal cells (called the mycobionts). The heteromerous thallus differs in that it has a predominance of fungal cells. Hairlike growths that anchor the thallus to its substrate are called rhizines. Lichens that form a crustlike covering that is thin and tightly bound to the substrate are termed crustose. Squamulose lichens are small and leafy with loose attachments to the substrate. Foliose lichens are large and leafy, reaching diameters of several feet in some species, and are usually attached to the substrate by their large, platelike thalli at the centre.

      It is not certain when fungi and algae came together to form lichens for the first time, but it was certainly after the mature development of the separate components. The basis of their relationship is the mutual benefit (symbiosis) that they provide each other. Algae form simple carbohydrates that, when excreted, are absorbed by fungi cells and transformed into a different carbohydrate. In at least one case, Peltigera polydactyla, the exchange occurs within two minutes. Algae also produce vitamins that the fungi need. Fungi contribute to the symbiosis by absorbing water vapour from the air and by providing much-needed shade for the light-sensitive algae beneath.

      Lichens grow relatively slowly, and there is still some question as to how they propagate. Most botanists agree that the most common means of reproduction is vegetative; that is, portions of an existing lichen break off and fall away to begin new growth nearby.

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