- lever-action
/lev"euhr ak'sheuhn, lee"veuhr-/, adj.(of a rifle) having a lever action.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Lever-action — is a type of firearm action which uses a lever located around the trigger guard area (often including the trigger guard itself) to load fresh cartridges into the chamber of the barrel when the lever is worked. One of the most famous lever action… … Wikipedia
lever-action — /lev euhr ak sheuhn, lee veuhr /, adj. (of a rifle) having a lever action … Useful english dictionary
lever action — noun : a rifle action that is manually operated by an external lever * * * a rifle action in which the extracting and ejecting of the shell case and the recocking of the weapon are accomplished by a hand operated lever arm in front of the trigger … Useful english dictionary
lever action — noun a type of firearm action which uses a lever located around the trigger guard area, to load fresh cartridges into the chamber when the lever is worked … Wiktionary
lever action — a rifle action in which the extracting and ejecting of the shell case and the recocking of the weapon are accomplished by a hand operated lever arm in front of the trigger housing. * * * … Universalium
lever action — A design wherein the breech mechanism is cycled by an external lever generally below the receiver … Forensic science glossary
lever action — /ˈlivə ækʃən/ (say leevuh akshuhn) noun a mechanism on a rifle for closing the breechblock, which is activated by a lever …
lever — 1. lever [ l(ə)ve ] v. <conjug. : 5> • 980 ; lat. levare I ♦ V. tr. 1 ♦ Faire mouvoir de bas en haut. ⇒ élever, hausser, soulever. Lever un fardeau, un poids. Lever une caisse avec une grue. ⇒ enlever, guinder, hisser; levage. Lever les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
lever — 1. (le vé. La syllabe le prend un accent grave quand la syllabe qui suit est muette : je lève, je lèverai) v. a. 1° Placer dans une situation plus haute ce qui est étendu, pendant, etc. Levez cela davantage. On leva la poutre en l air. Le… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Lever — Le ver (l[=e] v[ e]r or l[e^]v [ e]r; 277), n. [OE. levour, OF. leveor, prop., a lifter, fr. F. lever to raise, L. levare; akin to levis light in weight, E. levity, and perh. to E. light not heavy: cf. F. levier. Cf. {Alleviate}, {Elevate},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English