- Leninist
/len"euh nist/, adj.1. of or pertaining to Lenin or to Leninism.n.2. an advocate or supporter of Lenin or Leninism.[1915-20; LENIN + -IST]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
leninist — LENINÍST, Ă, leninişti, ste, adj., s.m. şi f. 1. adj. Care aparţine leninismului, privitor la leninism, care este creat de Lenin. 2. s.m. şi f. Adept al leninismului. – Din rus. leninist, fr. léniniste. Trimis de LauraGellner, 19.05.2004. Sur … Dicționar Român
leninist — I. ˈlenə̇nə̇st noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Lenin + English ist : a follower of Lenin : an adherent of Leninism our party has always been a party of Leninists Russian Information & Review … Useful english dictionary
leniníst — a m (ȋ) pristaš leninizma: biti v besedah in ravnanju leninist … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Leninist League — can refer to:*Leninist League (UK), an Oehlerite group. *Leninist League (US), a communist group which split from the Revolutionary Workers League (Oehlerite).ee also*Marxist Leninist League … Wikipedia
Leninist Young Guard — (in Dutch: Leninistische Jeugd Garde ) was the youth wing of the Revolutionary Socialist Workers Party in the Netherlands.Sal Santen became the secretary of LJG in 1936.LJG published Arbeidersjeugd 1937 1940 … Wikipedia
Leninist League (US) — The Leninist League was a communist political party in the United States. It published a newspaper, In Defense of Bolshevism. Its origins lay in the Revolutionary Workers League of Hugo Oehler, which had originated in the Trotskyist movement, but … Wikipedia
Leninist–Trotskyist Tendency — The Leninist Trotskyist Tendency was a Trotksyist political international.Following the Reunification of the two largest fragments claiming to be Trotskyist, namely the International Secretariat of the Fourth International and the International… … Wikipedia
Leninist Communist Youth League of the Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic — [ thumb|300px|LKSM KFSSR First Secretary Yuri Andropov speaks at the May 9, 1945, victory celebrations] Leninist Communist Youth League of the Karelo Finnish SSR ( ru. Ленинский коммунистический союз молодежи Карело Финской ССР, LKSM KFSSR) was… … Wikipedia
Leninist — noun or adjective see Leninism … New Collegiate Dictionary
Leninist — 1. adjective a) Of or related to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, a Russian revolutionary and politician. b) Of or related to Leninism. 2. noun A person who follows or supports Lenin or the philosophy of Leninism … Wiktionary