
/leng"keuh/, n., pl. Lencas, (esp. collectively) Lenca.
1. a member of an Indian people of El Salvador and central Honduras.
2. the language of the Lenca.

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      Indians of the northern highlands of Honduras and El Salvador who are somewhat intermediate culturally between the Maya to the north and circum-Caribbean peoples such as the Kuna to the south. The aboriginal culture of the Lenca has virtually disappeared and is not well known. It is thought that formerly each village was autonomous, controlled by a chief and a council who managed the village lands and officiated in all disputes.

      Today the pattern of organization of Lenca villages varies greatly from town to town. The old class system has disappeared for the most part; although some chiefs, or caciques, still inherit their positions, others are elected. Land is owned by the village and distributed among individuals for farming, the method of distribution varying. The principal crop is corn (maize), although some European crops have been adopted. Crafts include pottery and basketry; the weaving of cloth seems to have been abandoned. In general, the Lenca have been much influenced by the modern cultures around them.

      Although nominally Roman Catholic, the Lenca have retained many traditional beliefs and practices. The village shaman (shamanism) plays an important role in curing the sick.

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