
/lek"euh thos'/, n., pl. lekythoi /-thoy'/. Gk. and Rom. Antiq.
an oil jar having an ellipsoidal body, narrow neck, flanged mouth, curved handle extending from below the lip to the shoulder, and a narrow base terminating in a foot: used chiefly for ointments.
[1850-55; < Gk lékythos]

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▪ oil flask
  in ancient Greek pottery, oil flask used at baths and gymnasiums and for funerary offerings. The flask has a long, cylindrical body gracefully tapered to the base, and a narrow neck with a loop-shaped handle. In Classical Athens, lekythoi were painted with a white ground bearing figurative scenes. These works exhibit a fine level of detail, and the artisans who painted them include some of the masters of the red-figure (red-figure pottery) technique.

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