- left-handed
—left-handedly, adv. —left-handedness, n./left"han"did/, adj.1. having the left hand more dominant or effective than the right; preferably using the left hand: a left-handed pitcher.2. adapted to or performed by the left hand: a left-handed tool; a left-handed tennis serve.3. situated on the side of the left hand.4. Mach.a. rotating counterclockwise.b. noting a helical or spiral member, as a gear tooth or screw thread, that twists counterclockwise as it recedes from an observer.5. Building Trades. left-hand (def. 3).6. ambiguous or doubtful and often unfavorable or derogatory by implication: a left-handed compliment.7. clumsy or awkward.8. of, pertaining to, or issuing from a morganatic marriage: so called from the custom, in morganatic marriage ceremonies, of having the bridegroom give his left hand to the bride.adv.9. with the left hand: He writes left-handed.10. toward the left hand; in a counterclockwise direction: The strands of the rope are laid left-handed.[1350-1400; ME; see LEFT1, HANDED]
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Universalium. 2010.