
/leek/, n.
1. a plant, Allium ampeloprasum, of the amaryllis family, allied to the onion, having a cylindrical bulb and leaves used in cookery.
2. any of various allied species.
[bef. 1000; ME; OE leac; c. G Lauch, ON laukr]

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Hardy, vigorous, biennial plant (Allium porrum) of the lily family, native to the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.

It has a mild, sweet, onionlike flavour. In Europe it is widely used in soups and stews and is cooked whole as a vegetable. It became the national emblem of Wales following an ancient victory by an army of Welshmen who wore leeks as a distinguishing sign. The long, narrow leaves and nearly cylindrical bulb of the first season are replaced in the second season by a tall solid stalk bearing leaves and a large umbel with many flowers.

Leek (Allium porrum)

G.R. Roberts

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 (species Allium ampeloprasum, variety porrum, sometimes called A. porrum), hardy, vigorous, biennial plant of the family Alliaceae. Related to the onion, it has a mild, sweet, onionlike flavour. The leek is widely used in European soups and stews, especially as a complement to potatoes, and it is cooked whole as a vegetable.

      The leek is native to eastern Mediterranean lands and the Middle East, where it was cultivated in ancient times. The Romans probably brought it to Europe and the British Isles. The vegetable became the national emblem of Wales following an ancient victory by an army of Welshmen who wore leeks as a distinguishing sign.

      In the plant's first season of growth, long linear leaves arise from a compressed stem or stem plate; the thick leaf bases overlap and are arranged concentrically in a nearly cylindrical bulb. The bulb is little if any larger at the base than at the neck. A tuft of fibrous, shallow roots grows from the base of the stem plate. In the second season, a tall solid stalk arises bearing leaves and a large globular umbel with many perfect flowers. The seeds are small, black, irregular, and angular.

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  • leek — (n.) culinary herb, O.E. læc (Mercian), leac (W.Saxon) leek, onion, garlic, from P.Gmc. *lauka (Cf. O.N. laukr leek, garlic, Dan. lèg, Swed. lök onion, O.S. lok leek, M.Du. looc, Du. look leek, garlic, O.H.G …   Etymology dictionary

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  • leek — leek. См. луки. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

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  • leek — [li:k] n [: Old English; Origin: leac] a vegetable with a long white stem and long flat green leaves, which tastes like an onion …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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