
/lay"teks/, n., pl. latices /lat"euh seez'/, latexes.
1. a milky liquid in certain plants, as milkweeds, euphorbias, poppies, or the plants yielding India rubber, that coagulates on exposure to air.
2. Chem. any emulsion in water of finely divided particles of synthetic rubber or plastic.
[1655-65; < NL, special use of L latex water, juice, liquid]

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Any of several natural or synthetic colloidal suspensions (see colloid).

Some latexes occur naturally in the cells of plants such as chicle and rubber trees. They are complex mixtures of organic compounds, including various gum resins, fats, or waxes and, in some instances, poisonous compounds, suspended in a watery medium with dissolved salts, sugars, tannins, alkaloids, enzymes, and other substances from which the latex (or natural rubber, the only available rubber until 1926) can be concentrated, coagulated, and vulcanized. Synthetic latexes (e.g., neoprene), made by emulsion polymerization from styrene-butadiene copolymer, acrylate resins, polyvinyl acetate, or other materials, are used as paints and coatings; the plastic, dispersed in the water, forms films by fusion as the water evaporates.

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       computer programming language used for typesetting technical documents.

      LaTeX is a free software package created in 1985 by the American computer scientist Leslie Lamport as an addition to the TeX typesetting system. LaTeX was created to make it easier to produce general-purpose books and articles within TeX. Because LaTeX is an extension to the TeX typesetting system, it has TeX's ability to typeset technical documents that contain complex mathematical equations. This feature made LaTeX popular with scientists and engineers.

      Producing a LaTeX document begins with a text file containing content that is tagged with special LaTeX codes used to indicate how the text will be styled. When the file is run through a LaTeX processor, typeset pages are produced. Because LaTeX typesetting requires wrapping text in complicated computer codes, it has a fairly steep learning curve. Although there are now software programs that help automate the creation of LaTeX documents, a working knowledge of LaTeX is still desirable for this kind of typesetting.

      LaTeX was one of the first typesetting programs able to produce complex mathematical equations. Over the years it has been used to typeset many science, mathematics, and engineering journals. The American Mathematical Society (AMS) even has its own set of extensions, called AMS-LaTeX, that its contributors use for its journal. But as desktop publishing programs such as Quark Inc.'s QuarkXPress and Adobe Systems Incorporated's FrameMaker became more capable of producing complex mathematical expressions, LaTeX became less popular.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Latex — refers generically to a stable dispersion (emulsion) of polymer microparticles in an aqueous medium. Latexes may be natural or synthetic. Latex as found in nature is the milky sap of many plants that coagulates on exposure to air. It is a complex …   Wikipedia

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