- large
—largeness, n./lahrj/, adj., larger, largest, n., adv.adj.1. of more than average size, quantity, degree, etc.; exceeding that which is common to a kind or class; big; great: a large house; a large number; in large measure; to a large extent.2. on a great scale: a large producer of kitchen equipment.3. of great scope or range; extensive; broad.4. grand or pompous: a man given to large, bombastic talk.5. (of a map, model, etc.) representing the features of the original with features of its own that are relatively large so that great detail may be shown.6. famous; successful; important: He's very large in financial circles.7. Obs. generous; bountiful; lavish.8. Obs.a. unrestrained in the use of language; gross; improper.b. unrestrained in behavior or manner; uninhibited.9. Naut. free (def. 33).n.10. Music. the longest note in mensural notation.11. Obs. generosity; bounty.12. at large,a. free from restraint or confinement; at liberty: The murderer is still at large.b. to a considerable extent; at length: to treat a subject at large.c. as a whole; in general: the country at large.d. Also, at-large. representing the whole of a state, district, or body rather than one division or part of it: a delegate at large.13. in large, on a large scale; from a broad point of view: a problem seen in large. Also, in the large.adv.14. Naut. with the wind free or abaft the beam so that all sails draw fully.[1125-75; ME < OF < L larga, fem. of largus ample, generous]Ant. 1. small.
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Universalium. 2010.