- La Plata
/lah plah"tah/1. a seaport in E Argentina. 560,341.
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After Buenos Aires became the national capital, La Plata was chosen (1882) as the new seat of Buenos Aires province and was modeled on the U.S. capital of Washington, D.C. It was renamed for Argentine first lady Eva Perón in 1952, but after the overthrow of Pres. Juan Peron in 1955 it resumed its original name. Located near the Río de la Plata estuary, it is a seaport with a large artificial harbour. Its industries include meatpacking and oil refining.* * *
city, capital of Buenos Aires provincia (province), eastern Argentina, 6 miles (9 km) inland from the southern shore of the Río de la Plata estuary. The site was selected in 1882 by the provincial governor of Buenos Aires, Dardo Rocha, as the new provincial seat, a move made necessary when Buenos Aires was federalized as the national capital (1880). The city plan was modeled on that of Washington, D.C.; and a municipal library, astronomical observatory, Gothic-style cathedral, and museum were included with the government buildings in the original construction. The museum, connected with the National University of La Plata (1897), houses one of the most important paleontological and anthropological collections in South America. Many advanced research institutes and other academies have been established there, furthering the city's reputation as a centre of culture.The development of a heavy industrial zone (now including meat-packing houses, a petrochemical complex, and steel mill) between La Plata and the Río de la Plata led to the creation in 1957 of the separate localities of Ensenada and Berisso. La Plata's deepwater port facilities are located at Ensenada along with the national naval academy. In 1952 La Plata was renamed Eva Perón in memory of the wife of President Juan Perón; but following his overthrow in 1955, it resumed its original name. Pop. (2001) 563,943.* * *
Universalium. 2010.