
/lay om"i don'/, n. Class. Myth.
a king of Troy and the father of Priam, for whom the walls of Troy were built by Apollo and Poseidon.

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      legendary king of Troy, son of Ilus and Eurydice and father of Podarces (later famous as King Priam of Troy). Laomedon refused to give the gods Apollo and Poseidon their wages after they had built the walls of Troy for him. The gods therefore sent a pestilence and a sea monster to ravage the land, which could be delivered only by the sacrifice of the king's daughter Hesione. But the Greek hero Heracles, who happened to be at Troy at the time, killed the monster and rescued the maiden on the understanding that Laomedon should give Heracles the divine horses that Zeus had given Laomedon in exchange for his son Ganymede. When Laomedon later refused, Heracles returned with a band of warriors, captured Troy, and slew Laomedon and all his sons except Priam and Tithonus, who had been carried off by Eos. Heracles gave Hesione to Telamon, who fought with him. (She became the mother of the archer Teucer, who was praised in Homer's Iliad.) Laomedon was buried near the Scaean Gate, and, according to legend, as long as his grave remained undisturbed the walls of Troy would remain impregnable. The east pediment of the temple of Aphaea on Aegina depicted Heracles' sack of Troy.

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