
/lahonnd/, n.
a department in SW France. 288,323; 3615 sq. mi. (9365 sq. km). Cap.: Mont-de-Marsan.

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also called  Les Landes,  

      forest region bordering the Bay of Biscay in the Aquitaine Basin of southwestern France, extending northward to the Garonne Estuary and southward to the Adour River. With an area of 5,400 square miles (14,000 square km), Landes occupies three-quarters of the Landes département, half of Gironde, and about 175,000 acres (70,000 hectares) of Lot-et-Garonne. Formerly a vast tract of marshland and moors, it now consists chiefly of the most extensive forest in France. The monotonous, sandy plain was originally covered with lakes and ponds and was bordered by dunes of moving sands. In 1801 the sand dunes were stabilized with plantations of maritime pines. Early in the second half of the 19th century, the plain was drained by canals, and a vast pine forest was planted that provided timber and turpentine. Three-quarters of the forest was destroyed in disastrous fires in 1937 and 1950, but much of the burned area was replanted, and paper mills were established in the region to improve the economy. Great tracts of land were also made suitable for arable farming. There, large mechanized holdings are devoted almost exclusively to corn (maize) cultivation. The Côte d'Argent (“Silver Coast”), a resort area, is popular with tourists. Inland, the regional park, the Landes de Gascogne, is an area of more extensive tourist activity, where efforts have been made to preserve the region's architectural and cultural heritage.

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