
/kohs ruy"/, n.
an island in the W Pacific: part of the Federated States of Micronesia. 4471; 42 sq. mi. (109 sq. km). Also called Kusaie.

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also called  Kusaie , formerly  Ualan Island  or  Strong Island  

      easternmost of the Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, western Pacific Ocean. Kosrae is volcanic in origin and hilly, rising to 2,064 feet (629 metres) at Mount Finkol (Crozier). Fertile and well-watered, Kosrae produces taros, oranges, breadfruit, and bananas and has valuable stands of timber. There are deposits of bauxite and guano. Lelu, an old whaling port, is the best of the island's three harbours and has ruins of ancient stone walls and dikes. There is an international airport at Okat on the northern side of the island. Area 42.3 square miles (109.6 square km). Pop. (2000) 7,686.

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Universalium. 2010.

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