- Kosinski
/keuh zin"skee/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
KOSINSKI (J.) — KOSINSKI JERZY (1933 1991) Né à Lodz en Pologne, de formation scientifique, Kosinski s’installe en 1957 aux États Unis. C’est là qu’il publie en 1965 son premier roman, The Painted Bird (L’Oiseau bariolé , 1966), épopée d’un enfant juif dans les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Kosinski — oder Kosiński ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Izidoro Kosiński CM (* 1932), Altbischof von Três Lagoas Jerzy Kosiński (1933–1991), US amerikanischer Schriftsteller polnisch jüdischer Herkunft Diese Seite ist eine B … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kosinski — may refer to:*Jerzy Kosiński, Polish born author *Michelle Kosinski, TV news correspondent … Wikipedia
Kosinski — Kosinski, Jerzy … Enciclopedia Universal
Kosinski — [kə zɪnskɪ], Jerzy Nikodem, Pseudonym Joseph Novak, amerikanischer Schriftsteller polnischer Herkunft, * Lodz 14. 6. 1933, ✝ (Selbstmord) New York 3. 5. 1991; emigrierte 1957 in die USA, studierte an der Columbia University, war 1973 75… … Universal-Lexikon
KOSINSKI, JERZY — (1933–1991), U.S. novelist. Born the son of Mieczyslaw and Elzbieta Lewinkopf in Lodz, Poland, Kosinski s early years were shaped under Hitler s regime. The only full biography (Jerzy Kosinski by James Park Sloan, 1996) reports that the Jewish… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kosiński Uprising — (1591–1593) is a name applied to two rebellions in Ukraine organised by Krzysztof Kosiński against the local Ruthenian nobility and magnates.In late 16th century the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth was experiencing a short period of internal… … Wikipedia
Kosinski, Jerzy — ▪ American writer in full Jerzy Nikodem Kosinski born June 14, 1933, Łódź, Pol. died May 3, 1991, New York, N.Y., U.S. Polish born American writer whose novels were sociological studies of individuals in controlling and bureaucratic… … Universalium
Kosinski — Ko•sin•ski [[t]kəˈzɪn ski[/t]] n. big Jerzy, 1933–91, U.S. novelist, born in Poland … From formal English to slang
Kosinski — /kəˈsɪnski/ (say kuh sinskee) noun Jerzy Nikodem, 1933–91, US novelist and screenwriter, born in Poland; noted for the novel Being There (1970) …