- kneeler
/nee"leuhr/, n.1. a person or thing that kneels.2. a bench, pad, or the like, to kneel on.3. a stone for supporting inclined masonry, as coping stones.[1350-1400; ME; see KNEEL, -ER1]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Kneeler — is a piece of furniture used for resting in a kneeling position.Prayer kneelerIn many churches, pews are equipped with kneelers in front of the seating bench so members of the can kneel on them instead of the floor. In a few other situations such … Wikipedia
Kneeler — Kneel er, n. 1. One who kneels or who worships by or while kneeling. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 2. A cushion or stool to kneel on, such as one attached to a pew in a church. [1913 Webster] 3. (Eccl. Hist.) A name given to certain catechumens and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kneeler — ► NOUN 1) a person who kneels. 2) a cushion or bench for kneeling on … English terms dictionary
kneeler — [nēl′ər] n. 1. a person who kneels 2. something to kneel on; specif., a cushion, stool, etc. for worshipers in a church … English World dictionary
Kneeler (disambiguation) — A kneeler is a piece of furniture used for resting in a kneeling position.Kneeler may also refer to:*Kneeling chair, recommended for certain diseases or injuries of the backbone. *Garden kneeler, a kneeler for use during gardening *Kneeling bus,… … Wikipedia
kneeler — noun Date: 14th century 1. one that kneels 2. something (as a cushion or board) to kneel on … New Collegiate Dictionary
kneeler — noun a) A person who kneels. All the kneelers sighed with relieve when they were told it was over and they could finally stand up. b) A thing that is designed to be kneeled on. The parish deacon was always pushing to get new kneelers for the… … Wiktionary
kneeler — n. cushioned board or pad used to kneel on; one who kneels; person in a kneeling position … English contemporary dictionary
kneeler — noun 1》 a person who kneels. 2》 a cushion or bench for kneeling on … English new terms dictionary
kneeler — kneel·er … English syllables