- klepto
kleptomaniac.[1955-60; by shortening]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
klepto — [“klepto] n. a kleptomaniac; one who steals small things obsessively. □ The cops thought Gert was a klepto until she showed them her receipts. □ The jury awarded Gert five grand for being falsely arrested as a klepto … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
klepto — 1914 (adj.); 1919 (n.); shortened form of KLEPTOMANIC (Cf. kleptomanic) … Etymology dictionary
klepto- — DEFINICIJA kao prvi dio riječi označava ono što se odnosi na krađu i kradljivca [kleptoman] ETIMOLOGIJA grč. kléptein: krasti … Hrvatski jezični portal
Klepto — Infobox Film name = Klepto image size = caption = Klepto DVD cover director = Thomas Trail producer = writer = Thomas Trail Ethan Gross narrator = starring = Meredith Bishop Jsu Garcia music = cinematography = editing = distributor = Magnolia… … Wikipedia
klepto- — combining form see klept * * * klepto , comb. form (ˈklɛptəʊ) [a. Gr. κλεπτο , combining form of κλέπτης thief, κλέπτειν to steal: see o1.] Forming words in which it has the sense ‘theft, thieving’, as kleptocracy, kleptomania … Useful english dictionary
Klepto Holmes — College coach infobox Name = Klepto Holmes Caption = DateOfBirth = Birthplace = DateOfDeath = Sport = College football College = University of Texas at Arlington Title = CurrentRecord = OverallRecord = 71 66 5 Awards = CFbDWID = . Player = Years … Wikipedia
klepto — noun (plural kleptos) Date: 1953 kleptomaniac … New Collegiate Dictionary
klepto- — combining form Etymology: Greek, from kleptein to steal; akin to Gothic hlifan to steal, Latin clepere stealing ; theft < kleptomania > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Klepto — Griechische Wortstämme sind im Deutschen überwiegend in Fachausdrücken zu finden, die entweder direkt dem Griechischen entstammen oder Neubildungen sind. Von einer begrenzten Anzahl dieser Wortstämme wurden und werden zahlreiche wissenschaftliche … Deutsch Wikipedia
klepto — noun a kleptomaniac … Wiktionary