Klein bottle

Klein bottle
a one-sided figure consisting of a tapered tube the narrow end of which is bent back, run through the side of the tube, and flared to join the wide end, thereby allowing any two points on the figure to be joined by an unbroken line.
[1940-45; named after F. KLEIN]

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      topological space, named for the German mathematician Felix Klein, obtained by identifying two ends of a cylindrical surface in the direction opposite that is necessary to obtain a torus. The surface is not constructible in three-dimensional Euclidean space but has interesting properties, such as being one-sided, like the Möbius strip (q.v.); being closed, yet having noinsidelike a torus or a sphere; and resulting in two Möbius strips if properly cut in two.

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  • Klein bottle — In mathematics, the Klein bottle is a certain non orientable surface, i.e. , a surface (a two dimensional manifold) with no distinct inner and outer sides. Other related non orientable objects include the Möbius strip and the real projective… …   Wikipedia

  • Klein bottle — Klein′ bot tle [[t]klaɪn[/t]] n. math. a one sided figure consisting of a tapered tube whose narrow end is bent back, run through the side of the tube, and flared to join the wide end • Etymology: 1940–45; after Felix Klein (1849–1925), German… …   From formal English to slang

  • Klein bottle — noun Etymology: Felix Klein died 1925 German mathematician Date: 1941 a one sided surface that is formed by passing the narrow end of a tapered tube through the side of the tube and flaring this end out to join the other end …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Klein bottle — noun Mathematics a closed surface with only one side, formed by passing one end of a tube through the side of the tube and joining it to the other end. Origin 1940s.: named after the German mathematician Felix Klein …   English new terms dictionary

  • Klein bottle — /ˈklaɪn bɒtl/ (say kluyn botl) noun Mathematics the closed surface formed by turning the narrow end of a tapering tube back on itself, passing it through the side of the tube and flaring it out to join up with the broad end. {named after Felix… …  

  • Klein bottle — n. Math. a closed surface with only one side, formed by passing the neck of a tube through the side of the tube to join the hole in the base. Etymology: F. Klein, Ger. mathematician d. 1925 …   Useful english dictionary

  • Klein bottle — noun A two dimensional enclosed surface which doesnt have a distinct inside and outside (in a similar way that a Möbius strip has only one side) …   Wiktionary

  • Solid Klein bottle — In mathematics, a solid Klein bottle is a 3 manifold (with boundary) homeomorphic to the quotient space obtained by gluing the top of D^2 imes I (cylinder) to the bottom by a reflection, i.e. the point (x,0), is identified with (r(x), 1), where r …   Wikipedia

  • Klein — may refer to:People with the surname Klein: *Klein (surname)In places: *Klein, Montana, community in the United States *Klein, Texas, community in the United States *Klein Betschkerek, community in Romania *Klein Bonaire, island near Bonaire in… …   Wikipedia

  • Klein'sche Flasche — Kleinsche Flasche Die Kleinsche Flasche (auch Kleinscher Schlauch), benannt nach dem deutschen Mathematiker Felix Klein, ist ein geometrisches Objekt. Umgangssprachlich formuliert hat sie die Eigenschaft, dass innen und außen nicht unterschieden… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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