
/ki kooh"yooh/, n., pl. Kikuyus, (esp. collectively) Kikuyu.
1. a member of an indigenous people of Kenya having an agricultural economy and notable as being the originators of the Mau Mau.
2. the language of the Kikuyu, a Bantu language.
3. (usually l.c.) Also called kikuyu grass. a grass, Pennisetum clandestinum, native to southern Africa, sometimes used in warm climates for lawns or as pasturage.

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Bantu-speaking people who live in the highland area of south-central Kenya, near Mount Kenya.

Numbering some six million, they are the largest ethnic group in Kenya. They traditionally lived in separate domestic family homesteads, but during the Mau Mau rebellion the British colonial government moved them into villages for security purposes, and this arrangement became permanent. Their traditional economy rested on intensive hoe cultivation of millet and other crops; the main modern cash crops are coffee, corn, and fruits and vegetables. Many Kikuyu serve in government posts.

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also called  Giguyu,  Gekoyo,  or  Agekoyo 

      Bantu-speaking people who live in the highland area of south-central Kenya, near Mount Kenya. In the late 20th century the Kikuyu numbered more than 4,400,000 and formed the largest ethnic group in Kenya, approximately 20 percent of the total population. Their own name for themselves is Gekoyo, or Agekoyo.

      The Kikuyu moved into their modern territory from the northeast in the 17th19th century. Their indigenous economy rested upon intensive hoe cultivation of millet (the staple crop), peas, beans, sorghum, and sweet potatoes. The main modern cash crops are coffee, corn (maize), wattle, and fruits and vegetables. Some groups practiced irrigation and terracing. Animal husbandry provided an important supplement.

      The Kikuyu traditionally lived in separate domestic family homesteads, each of which was surrounded by a hedge or stockade and contained a hut for each wife. During the Mau Mau rebellion of the 1950s, however, the British colonial government moved the Kikuyu into villages for reasons of security. The economic advantages of village settlement and land consolidation led many Kikuyu to continue this arrangement after the emergency was ended. The local community unit is the mbari, a patrilineal group of males and their wives and children ranging from a few dozen to several hundred persons. Beyond the mbari, the people are divided among nine clans and a number of subclans.

      Kikuyu also are organized into age sets that have served as the principal political institutions. Groups of boys are initiated each year and ultimately grouped into generation sets that traditionally ruled for 20 to 30 years. Political authority traditionally was vested in a council of elders representing a particular age class during its occupancy of the ruling grade. The Kikuyu believe in an omnipotent creator god, Ngai, and in the continued spiritual presence of ancestors.

      Because they resented the occupation of their highlands by European farmers and other settlers, the Kikuyu were the first native ethnic group in Kenya to undertake anticolonial agitation, in the 1920s and '30s. They staged the Mau Mau uprising against British rule in 1952 and spearheaded the drive toward Kenyan independence later in the decade. They became the economic and political elite of independent Kenya. Jomo Kenyatta (Kenyatta, Jomo), a Kikuyu, was Kenya's first prime minister (196364) and first president (196478). He was also one of the first Africans to receive a Ph.D. (London School of Economics) in anthropology and to publish an ethnography (Facing Mount Kenya, 1938).

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