Kiel Canal

Kiel Canal
a canal connecting the North and Baltic seas. 61 mi. (98 km) long. German, Nord-Ostsee Kanal.

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German  Nord-Ostsee-Kanal,  English  North SeaBaltic Sea Canal 
 waterway (canals and inland waterways) in northern Germany, extending eastward for 98 km (61 miles) from Brunsbüttelkoog (on the North Sea, at the mouth of the Elbe River) to Holtenau (at Kiel Harbour on the Baltic Sea). The canal has been enlarged twice and is today 160 metres (526 feet) wide and 11 metres (37 feet) deep and is spanned by seven high-level bridges that have about 43 metres (140 feet) of clearance for ships beneath them. The locks are 45 metres (146 feet) wide by 327 metres (1,072 feet) long. The canal constitutes the safest, most convenient, shortest, and cheapest shipping route between the two seas.

      The canal, built between 1887 and 1895, initially served German military needs by eliminating the necessity for ships to travel northward around the Danish peninsula. It was enlarged between 1907 and 1914 to accommodate large naval ships. Prior to World War I the canal (then known as the Kaiser-Wilhelm Canal) was owned by the German government. The Treaty of Versailles (Versailles, Treaty of) (June 28, 1919) laid down regulations that, in effect, internationalized the canal, while leaving it under German administration. Traffic on the canal was subject only to general police, shipping, sanitary, and customs regulations. These provisions were repudiated by Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf) in 1936. Since World War II the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles guaranteeing freedom of navigation have again been practiced. The canal remains an important route for Baltic shipping.

Michael Clarke

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Universalium. 2010.

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