
/keuh kahs", kheuh-/, n., pl. Khakasses, (esp. collectively) Khakass for 1.
1. a member of a group of peoples living mainly in the Khakass Autonomous Region.
2. the Turkic language of the Khakass peoples.

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also spelled  Khakas, or Hakas,  

      people who have given their name to Khakassia republic in central Russia. The general name Khakass encompasses five Turkic-speaking groups that differ widely in their ethnic origin as well as in their culture and everyday life: the Kacha, Sagay (Sagai), Beltir, Kyzyl, and Koybal. Before the Russian Revolution of 1917 the Kacha were seminomadic pastoralists raising cattle, sheep, and horses. The Kyzyl had permanent villages and engaged in both pastoralism and farming. The Sagay, of heterogeneous ethnic composition and origin, changed from hunting and fishing to farming and stockbreeding. The Beltir (meaningriver-mouth people”), famed as trappers and as smiths, have also become farmers and stockbreeders. The Koybal, not a tribe in the ethnographic sense but a territorial group, have retained their Kacha language but assumed the Russian peasant way of life. In the late 20th century there were about 60,000 Khakass in Russia.

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Universalium. 2010.

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