- kerflop
with or as if with a flop: He fell kerflop.[1875-80; see KER-, FLOP]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
kerflop — kə(r)ˈfläp adverb Etymology: ker + flop : with or as if with a flop * * * /keuhr flop /, adv. Informal. with or as if with a flop: He fell kerflop. [1875 80; see KER , FLOP] … Useful english dictionary
kerflop — ker·flop … English syllables
ker- — an unstressed syllable prefixed to onomatopoeic and other expressive words, usually forming adverbs or interjections: kerflop; kerplunk; ker splosh. Also, ca , ka . [perh. < Scots dial. car , cur , currie (as in carfuffle, carwhuffle to… … Universalium
ker- — aff. an unstressed syllable prefixed to onomatopoeic and other expressive words, usu. forming adverbs or interjections: kerflop; kerplunk; ker splosh. Compare ca ,ka • Etymology: perh. < Scots dial. car , cur , currie (as in carfuffle,… … From formal English to slang
beach chair — пляжное кресло to settle oneself down in an easy chair усесться в кресло to perch on the arm of a chair усесться на ручку кресла she nestled in a chair она уютно устроилась в кресле he fell kerflop into the chair он плюхнулся в кресло he soused… … English-Russian travelling dictionary