- Kendrew
/ken"drooh/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Kendrew — ist der Nachname von: Douglas Kendrew, Gouverneur von Western Australia, siehe Liste der Gouverneure von Western Australia John Cowdery Kendrew (1917–1997), britischer Biochemiker, Molekularbiologe und Nobelpreisträger. Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kendrew — Sir John Cowdery … Scientists
Kendrew — Kendrew, John Cowdery … Enciclopedia Universal
Kendrew — [ kendruː], Sir (seit 1974) John Cowdery, britischer Molekularbiologe, * Oxford 24. 3. 1917, ✝ Cambridge 23. 8. 1997; war u. a. 1974 82 Leiter des Europäischen Laboratoriums für Molekularbiologie in Heidelberg, führte röntgenspektroskopische… … Universal-Lexikon
Kendrew — [ken′dro͞o΄] Sir John Cowdery [kou′dər ē] 1917 97; Brit. biochemist … English World dictionary
Kendrew — This unusual name is one of the patronymic forms of the surname Andrew , which derives from the Greek personal name Andreas , a derivative of andreios , meaning manly , The brother of Simon Peter is called Andrew in the Gospels; he preached the… … Surnames reference
Kendrew — noun English biologist noted for studies of the molecular structure of blood components (born in 1917) • Syn: ↑Sir John Cowdery Kendrew • Instance Hypernyms: ↑biologist, ↑life scientist * * * /ken drooh/, n. John C(owdery) /koh dree/, 1917 97,… … Useful english dictionary
Kendrew, Sir John Cowdery — born March 24, 1917, Oxford, Oxfordshire, Eng. died Aug. 23, 1997, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire British biochemist. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and as a Cambridge fellow (1947–75) went on to study the structure of proteins … Universalium
Kendrew , Sir John Cowdery — (1917–1997) British biochemist Kendrew, who was born at Oxford, graduated in natural science from Cambridge University in 1939. He spent the war years working for the Ministry of Aircraft Production, becoming an honorary wing commander in 1944.… … Scientists
Kendrew — Ken•drew [[t]ˈkɛn dru[/t]] n. big John C(owdery), born 1917, English biochemist: Nobel prize 1962 … From formal English to slang