
adj., n. /kah shair"/; v. /kah"sheuhr/, adj., n., v.t.

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  • kasher — ● kasher ou casher ou cachère adjectif invariable (mot hébreu) Se dit d un aliment, en particulier de la viande, conforme aux prescriptions rituelles du judaïsme, ainsi que du lieu où il est vendu. (Pour la viande, une des principales… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • kasher — KASHÉR adj. invar., adv. (Despre alimente) Pur, curat, potrivit ritualurilor mozaice. [pr.: ca şér] (cf. fr. kasher < ebr. kāshēr = potrivit, curat) Trimis de tavi, 22.03.2006. Sursa: MDN  KASHER adj …   Dicționar Român

  • kasher — [kä′shər] adj., n., vt. var. of KOSHER …   English World dictionary

  • Kasher — Cacherouth Les Juifs et le judaïsme Généralités Qui est Juif ? · Terminologie · Conversion Judaïsme : Principes de foi Noms de Dieu dans le judaïsme Tanakh (Bible hébraïque) : Torah · …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kasher — This very interesting surname has a long and complicated history. Originally it was recorded both in England and France as a pageant nickname, which derives from the Latin Caesar meaning Emperor , and was given to one who played the part in the… …   Surnames reference

  • kasher — ka·sher agg.inv. ES ebr. {{wmetafile0}} TS relig. nella religione ebraica, di cibo e sim., adatto, conforme ai precetti: cucina kasher {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: cascer, kosher. DATA: 1942. ETIMO: ebr. kāšhēr propr. giusto, adatto poi puro …   Dizionario italiano

  • KASHER, MENAHEM — (1895–1983), rabbi and halakhist, distinguished for his research in talmudic and rabbinic literature. Kasher, born in Warsaw, studied under the greatest Polish rabbis of his time, and was primarily influenced in his method of study by Abraham… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • KASHER or KOSHER — KASHER, or KOSHER (Heb. כָּשֵׁר), term originally used in the Bible in the sense of fit or proper (e.g., Esth. 8:5; Eccles. 10:10; 11:6), and later in rabbinic literature exclusively for objects that are ritually correct and faultless. Most often …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • kasher — {{hw}}{{kasher}}{{/hw}}s. m. inv. Detto di cibo considerato ritualmente puro dalla legge religiosa ebraica e delle tecniche di preparazione del cibo stesso. ETIMOLOGIA: voce ebraica, propr. ‘giusto, adatto’, poi ‘puro’ …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • kasher — n. food which is fit to be eaten according to Jewish dietary laws (also kosher) v. make kosher, prepare in accordance with Jewish dietary laws (also kosher) adj. kosher, clean, fit to be eaten (according to Jewish dietary laws); (Informal) proper …   English contemporary dictionary

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