
/keuh ren"/, n., pl. Karens, (esp. collectively) Karen, adj.
1. a group of people of eastern and southern Burma (Myanmar).
2. one of these people.
3. the language of the Karen, a Tibeto-Burman language of the Sino-Tibetan family.
4. of or pertaining to the Karen people or their language.
/kar"euhn, kahr"-/, n.
a female given name, form of Katherine.
Also, Karin.

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Any member of a variety of tribal peoples of southern Myanmar (Burma).

Constituting the second largest minority in Myanmar, the Karen are not a unitary group in any ethnic sense, as they differ among themselves linguistically, religiously, and economically. Rather, they have defined themselves in terms of their common distrust of political domination by Myanmar, which has persisted since the country attained independence in 1948.
(as used in expressions)
Horney Karen
Karen Danielsen
Karen Christence Dinesen

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      variety of tribal peoples of southern Myanmar (Burma), speaking languages of the Sino-Tibetan family. They are not a unitary group in any ethnic sense, differing linguistically, religiously, and economically. One classification divides them into White Karen and Red Karen. The former consist of two groups, the Sgaw and the Pwo; the Red Karen include the Bre, the Padaung, the Yinbaw, and the Zayein. They occupy areas in southeastern Myanmar on both sides of the lower Salween River, in contiguous parts of Thailand, in the Pegu Yoma range in lower Myanmar, and also in the Irrawaddy delta land of southern coastal Myanmar. They are the second largest minority in Myanmar.

      After the country attained its independence in 1948, a condition of sporadic civil war developed between the government and various dissident groups calling themselves Karen. By the early 1980s the principal unifying factor among Karen was a common distrust of political domination by Myanmar; the assimilation of this minority into the state of Myanmar remained a pressing political problem in the country.

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