- Kalispel
/kal"euh spel', kal'euh spel"/, n.a Salishan language used by the Flathead Indians of Montana and by some neighboring tribes in Idaho and the western part of Washington.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Kalispel — Parlée aux États Unis Région … Wikipédia en Français
Kalispel — may refer to: * Pend d Oreilles (tribe), a tribe of Native Americans * Kalispel Pend d Oreille, the language of the Pend d Oreilles tribe * Kalispell, Montana, a city in the United States … Wikipedia
Kalispel — Die Kalispel oder Lower Pend d Oreille (nicht zu verwechseln mit den Pend d Oreille, die auch Upper Pend d Oreille genannt werden) sind nordamerikanische Indianer, die zur Zeit der ersten Kontakte mit Europäern am Pend Oreille River, am Priest… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kalispel — Los kalispel son una tribu india de lengua salish, a veces también conocidos como pend oreille, aunque se considera que los pend oreille o slka tkml schi son una tribu independiente. Vivían en las orillas del lago Kalispel, al norte de Idaho y… … Wikipedia Español
kalispel — |kalə|spel noun (plural kalispel or kalispels) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Kalispel, literally, camas 1. a. : a Salishan people of northern Idaho and northwestern Montana … Useful english dictionary
Kalispel — Kal•i•spel [[t]ˈkæl əˌspɛl, ˌkæl əˈspɛl[/t]] n. pl. spels, (esp. collectively) spel. 1) peo a member of an American Indian people of the E Columbia River plateau 2) peo the Salishan language shared by the Kalispel, Flatheads, and other peoples of … From formal English to slang
Kalispel Indians — • Popularly known under the French name of Pend d Oreilles, ear pendants , an important tribe of Salishan stock originally residing about Pend d Oreille lake and river, in northern Idaho and northeast Washington Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… … Catholic encyclopedia
Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille — Infobox Language name=Kalispel Pend d Oreille familycolor=American fam1=Salishan fam2=Southern Interior Salish region=Washington speakers=200 iso3=flaKalispel Pend d oreille is a near extinct language spoken on the Kalispel Reservation in… … Wikipedia
Kalispel (people) — The Kalispel are Native American people who, traditionally, lived along the Pend Oreille River in what is now Idaho and Washington state.ee also* Pend d Oreilles (tribe)External links* [http://www.kalispeltribe.com/ Kalispel Tribe] Official… … Wikipedia
kalispel — kal·i·spel … English syllables