justice in eyre

justice in eyre
Old Eng. Law.
See under eyre (def. 2a).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Justice in Eyre — In English law, the Justices in Eyre were the highest magistrates in forest law, and presided over the court of justice seat , a triennial court held to punish offenders against the forest law and enquire into the state of the forest and its… …   Wikipedia

  • Justice-in-eyre — One of the justices, i.e. judges, on the *county circuit, hearing cases at local courts. These justices ensured that criminals with local influence and able to intimidate local courts were subject to the king s justice, which was not to be… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • justice in eyre — noun Etymology: Middle English, translation of Anglo French justice en eire : an itinerant judge riding the circuit to hold court in the different counties * * * Old Eng. Law. See under eyre (def. 2a). [1480 90] …   Useful english dictionary

  • justice in eyre — /jastas in er/ From the old French word eire, i.e., a journey. Those justices who in ancient times were sent by commission into various counties, to hear more especially such causes as were termed pleas of the crown, were called justices in eyre …   Black's law dictionary

  • justice in eyre — /jastas in er/ From the old French word eire, i.e., a journey. Those justices who in ancient times were sent by commission into various counties, to hear more especially such causes as were termed pleas of the crown, were called justices in eyre …   Black's law dictionary

  • Court of the Chief Justice in Eyre — In England, the highest of the courts of the forest, held every three years, by the chief justice, to inquire of purprestures or encroachments, assarts, or cultivation of forest land, claims to franchises, parks, warrens, and vineyards in the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Court of the Chief Justice in Eyre — In England, the highest of the courts of the forest, held every three years, by the chief justice, to inquire of purprestures or encroachments, assarts, or cultivation of forest land, claims to franchises, parks, warrens, and vineyards in the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • eyre — /air/, n. Old Eng. Law. 1. a circuit made by an itinerant judge (justice in eyre) in medieval England. 2. a county court held by a justice in eyre. [1250 1300; ME eyre < AF; OF erre, deriv. of errer to journey; see ERR] * * * (as used in… …   Universalium

  • Eyre — The circuit travelled by a judge moving from *county to county; hence *justice in eyre. [< OldFr. eire < Lat. iter = journey] Cf. Bracton; Coram rege …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • justice seat — In old English law, the principal court of the forest, held before the chief justice in eyre, or chief itinerant judge or his deputy; to hear and determine all trespasses within the forest, and all claims of franchises, liberties, and privileges …   Black's law dictionary

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