
/jooh"joohb/, n.
1. a small candy or lozenge of gum arabic, gelatin, or the like and fruit flavoring.
2. See Chinese date.
[1350-1400; ME < ML jujuba < L ziziphum < Gk zízyphon jujube tree]

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      either of two species of small, spiny trees of the genus Ziziphus (family Rhamnaceae) and their fruit. Most are varieties of the common jujube (Z. jujuba), native to China, where they have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. This species, 7.6 to 9 m (25 to 30 feet) high, has alternate, three-veined, elliptical to ovate leaves 2.5 to 7.6 cm (1 to 3 inches) long. The small yellow flowers are followed by dark brown, round to oblong fruits the size of small plums. The white, crisp pulp surrounds a single large, pointed stone.

      The Indian, or cottony, jujube (Z. mauritiana) differs from the common jujube in having leaves that are woolly beneath instead of smooth. The fruits are smaller and not so sweet.

      Jujubes are eaten fresh, boiled, stewed, and baked. When made into glacé fruits by boiling in honey and sugar syrup, they resemble Persian dates and are sometimes known as Chinese dates. Juice obtained from the fruits is used in making small candies called jujubes.

      Both species thrive in hot, dry climates where winter temperatures do not go below 9.4° C (49° F). The trees are resistant to a great number of pests. Propagation is by seeds, although the commercial varieties must be propagated vegetatively by suckers, root cuttings, or grafting.

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  • jujube — [ ʒyʒyb ] n. m. • jajube 1256; altér. lat. zizyphum, gr. zizuphon 1 ♦ Fruit du jujubier. 2 ♦ Pâte extraite de ce fruit (remède contre la toux). ● jujube nom masculin (latin zizyphum, du grec dzidzuphon) Fruit du jujubier, drupe rouge à maturité,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • jujube — (n.) late 14c., date like fruit from a tree found in Asia, from M.L. jujuba (pl.), from L.L. zizyphum, from zizyphus, an Asiatic tree with datelike fruit, from Gk. zizyphon, from Pers. zayzafun. The meaning soft candy with date like flavor first… …   Etymology dictionary

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