
/jet/, n., v., jetted, jetting, adj.
1. a stream of a liquid, gas, or small solid particles forcefully shooting forth from a nozzle, orifice, etc.
2. something that issues in such a stream, as water or gas.
3. a spout or nozzle for emitting liquid or gas: a gas jet.
4. See jet plane.
5. See jet engine.
6. to travel by jet plane: to jet to Las Vegas for the weekend.
7. to move or travel by means of jet propulsion: The octopus jetted away from danger.
8. to be shot forth in a stream.
9. to move or travel rapidly: The star halfback jetted toward the goal line.
10. to transport by jet plane: The nonstop service from New York will jet you to Tokyo in 13 hours.
11. to shoot (something) forth in a stream; spout.
12. to place (a pile or the like) by eroding the ground beneath it with a jet of water or of water and compressed air.
13. of, pertaining to, or associated with a jet, jet engine, or jet plane: jet pilot; jet exhaust.
14. in the form of or producing a jet or jet propulsion: jet nozzle.
15. by means of a jet airplane: a jet trip; jet transportation.
[1580-90; 1940-45 for def. 4; < MF jeter to throw < VL *jectare, alter. of L jactare, equiv. to jac- throw + -t- freq. suffix + -are inf. suffix]
/jet/, n.
1. a compact black coal, susceptible of a high polish, used for making beads, jewelry, buttons, etc.
2. a deep black.
3. Obs. black marble.
4. consisting or made of jet.
5. of the color jet; black as jet.
[1350-1400; ME jet, get < OF jaiet L gagates < Gk (líthos) gagátes Gagatic (stone), named after Gágai, town in Lycia; cf. obs. gagate, ME, OE gagates < L, as above]

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(as used in expressions)

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Universalium. 2010.

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