
/jer"beuh/, n.

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also spelled  Jarbah  or  Djerba 

      island situated in the Gulf of Gabes (Gabes, Gulf of) on the Mediterranean Sea, located off the Tunisian mainland, to which it is connected by a causeway almost 4 miles (6 km) long. Jerba island is about 17 miles (27 km) long by 16 miles (26 km) wide and has an area of 197 square miles (510 square km). The island was known to ancient geographers as the “land of the lotus eaters” and was originally settled by the Romans. After being conquered by the Arabs in 655 and made a dependency of Tunis and Kairouan (Al-Qayrawān), it passed back and forth between Sicilian, Norman, and Ḥafṣid (Ḥafṣid dynasty) control from the 12th to the 15th century. After several unsuccessful attempts by the Spanish to take the island in the 16th century, it passed under Ottoman control until the arrival of the French in the late 19th century. Jerba island, now a part of Tunisia, is noted for its orchards (especially dates and olives), fishing (sponges and oysters), woolens and blankets, and pottery. Its fine beaches and international airport have also made it a popular tourist resort. Ḥawmat al-Sūq is the principal town and chief market centre, and Ajīm is the main port. The population is mostly Amazigh ( Berber) in origin; there also remains a portion of the island's once significant Jewish community, which was one of the oldest in the world. A small proportion of the population belongs to the Kharijite (Khārijite) sect of Islam. Pop. (2004) 139,517.

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Universalium. 2010.

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