- Jemima
/jeuh muy"meuh/, n.a female given name: from a Hebrew word meaning "dove."
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Jemima — ist ein weiblicher Vorname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung 2 Bekannte Namensträger 3 Figuren in Literatur, Theater und Film 4 Einzelnachweise … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jemima — may refer to: *Jemima (Biblical character), daughter of Job *Jemima Nicholas, Pembrokeshire heroine foiling the Last invasion of Britain *Jemima Wilkinson *Jemima Rooper *Jemima KhanFictional: *Aunt Jemima, a food trademark *A duck in The Tale of … Wikipedia
Jemima — fem. personal name, biblical daughter of Job, from Heb. Yemimah, lit. dove (Cf. Arabic yamama). The Aunt Jemima ready mix food product in U.S. dates from 1889 … Etymology dictionary
Jemima — f Biblical name (meaning ‘dove’ or ‘bright as day’ in Hebrew) of the eldest of the daughters of Job, born to him towards the end of his life when his prosperity had been restored (Job 42: 14). The name was common in the first part of the 19th… … First names dictionary
JEMIMa — Hebr. Gap desc: Hebrew maxima natu siliarum Hiobi, quae ipsi post afflictionem in pristinum statum restituto natae sunt, Hiobi c. 42. v. 14. sic dicta quasi diurna, vel diei instra, eo quod formosa erat instar diei, vel quod nata diurno tempore,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Jemima — [jə mī′mə] n. [Heb yemīmāh, lit., a dove] a feminine name … English World dictionary
Jemima — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jemima (homonymie). Jemima est la première fille de Job, dans le Tanakh et l Ancien Testament. Portail de la Bible … Wikipédia en Français
Jemima Khan — Jemima Marcelle Khan (born 30 January 1974) is an English socialite known due to her relationships as a former girlfriend of Hugh Grant, the ex wife of Pakistani cricketer Imran Khan, and a daughter of Lady Annabel and James Goldsmith. Family and … Wikipedia
Jemima Condict — was born in a rural setting in the mountains of northwestern New Jersey on 24 August 1754. She spent her entire short life in the vicinity of Pleasantdale (now in West Orange), New Jersey, dying on 14 November 1779 at the age of twenty five.… … Wikipedia
Jemima (cat) — Jemima is a principal character in the musical play Cats , written by Andrew Lloyd Webber using the poetry of T. S. Eliot. She is the youngest member of the tribe of Cats, the voice of innocence and wonder. She is also a demanding dancing… … Wikipedia
Jemima Khan — (née Jemima Marcelle Goldsmith) est née le 30 janvier 1974 à Londres. Elle est l ex femme du joueur de cricket Imran Khan. Elle fait partie des milieux aisés anglais et elle est une ambassadrice représentant le Royaume Uni pour l UNICEF … Wikipédia en Français