Java sparrow — Java Ja va (j[aum] v[.a]), n. 1. One of the islands of the Malay Archipelago belonging to the Netherlands. [1913 Webster] 2. Java coffee, a kind of coffee brought from Java. [1913 Webster] 3. (Computers) [all capitals] an object oriented computer … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Java sparrow — n. a white, pink, and gray SE Asian passerine finch (Padda oryzivora, family Estrildidae) widely kept as a cage bird … English World dictionary
Java Sparrow — Taxobox name = Java Sparrow status= VU status system = iucn2.3 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Passeriformes familia = Estrildidae genus = Padda species = P. oryzivora binomial = Padda oryzivora binomial authority =… … Wikipedia
Java sparrow — javinis ryžinukas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Padda oryzivora angl. Java sparrow vok. Reisfink, m; Reisvogel, m rus. рисовка, f; серая рисовка, f pranc. padda de Java, m ryšiai: platesnis terminas – ryžinukai … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
Java sparrow — noun A species of finch Padda oryzivora, native of Java, but very commonly kept as a cage bird. Syn: Lonchura, oryzivora, ricebird, paddy bird … Wiktionary
Java sparrow — noun a waxbill with a large red bill and black and white head, native to Java and Bali and popular as a cage bird. [Padda oryzivora.] … English new terms dictionary
Java sparrow — Ja′va spar′row n. orn a gray and red finch, Padda oryzivora, of the waxbill family, resident on Java and Bali and widely introduced elsewhere • Etymology: 1860–65 … From formal English to slang
Java sparrow — /ˈdʒavə spæroʊ/ (say jahvuh sparoh) noun a small grey bird, Lonchura oryzivora, with a large red beak, black head and white cheeks, native to Bali and Java, and widely introduced elsewhere, as Christmas Island, Hawaii, Fiji, Puerto Rico, India,… …
Java sparrow — n. small grayish bird found in southeastern Asia who looks like a finch … English contemporary dictionary
Java sparrow — n. a finch, Padda oryzivora … Useful english dictionary