- Jacobite
/jak"euh buyt'/, n.1. a partisan or adherent of James II of England after his overthrow (1688), or of the Stuarts.2. a member of the Syrian Monophysitic church, which was founded in the 6th century A.D. and was governed by the patriarch of Antioch.[1400-50; (in def. 2) late ME ( < MF) < ML Jacobita, after Jacobus Baradaeus, bishop of Edessa (d. 578); (in def. 1) cf. JAMES; see ITE1]
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In British history, a supporter of the exiled Stuart king James II (in Latin, Jacobus) and his descendants after the Glorious Revolution of 1688.The movement was strong in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, and it included Catholics and Anglican Tories. The Jacobites, especially under William III and Queen Anne, could offer a feasible alternative title to the crown, and several attempts were made to restore the Stuarts. In 1689 James II landed in Ireland, but his army was defeated at the Battle of the Boyne. In the Fifteen Rebellion (1715), led by John Erskine, 6th earl of Mar (1675–1732), Jacobites tried to seize the crown for James Edward, the Old Pretender. In the Forty-five Rebellion (1745) Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, took Scotland, but the Jacobite army was crushed at the Battle of Culloden (1746).* * *
▪ British historyin British history, a supporter of the exiled Stuart king James II (Latin: Jacobus) and his descendants after the Glorious Revolution. The political importance of the Jacobite movement extended from 1688 until at least the 1750s. The Jacobites, especially under William III and Queen Anne, could offer a feasible alternative title to the crown, and the exiled court in France (and later in Italy) was often frequented by disgruntled soldiers and politicians. After 1714 the Whigs' monopoly of power led many Tories into intrigues with the Jacobites.The movement was strong in Scotland and Wales, where support was primarily dynastic, and in Ireland, where it was mainly religious. Roman Catholics and Anglican Tories were natural Jacobites. The Tory Anglicans had doubts about the legality of the events of 1688–89, whereas the Roman Catholics had more to hope for from James II and James Edward the Old Pretender, who were firm Roman Catholics, and Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, who vacillated for political reasons but was at least tolerant.Within 60 years after the Glorious Revolution, five attempts at restoration were made in favour of the exiled Stuarts. In March 1689 James II himself landed in Ireland, and a parliament summoned to Dublin acknowledged him as king. But his Irish-French army was defeated by William III's Anglo-Dutch army at the Battle of the Boyne (July 1, 1690), and he returned to France. A second French invasion misfired completely (1708).The third attempt, the Fifteen Rebellion, was a serious affair. In the summer of 1715 John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar, an embittered ex-supporter of the Revolution, raised the Jacobite clans and the Episcopal northeast for “James III and VIII” (James Edward, the Old Pretender). A hesitant leader, Mar advanced only as far as Perth and wasted a considerable amount of time before challenging the Duke of Argyll's smaller force; the result was the drawn Battle of Sheriffmuir (Nov. 13, 1715), and at the same time the hopes of a southern rising melted away at Preston. James arrived too late to do anything but lead the flight of his chief supporters to France. The fourth Jacobite effort was a west Scottish Highland rising, aided by Spain, which was quickly aborted at Glenshiel (1719).The final rebellion, the Forty-five Rebellion, has been heavily romanticized, but it was also the most formidable. The outlook in 1745 seemed hopeless, for another French invasion, planned for the previous year, had miscarried and little help could be expected from that quarter. The number of Scottish Highlanders prepared to turn out was smaller than in 1715, and the lowlands were apathetic or hostile; but the charm and daring of the young prince, Charles Edward (later called the Young Pretender), and the absence of the government troops (who were fighting on the Continent) produced a more dangerous rising. Within a few weeks Charles was master of Scotland and victor of Prestonpans (September 21); though utterly disappointed as regards an English rising, he marched south as far as Derby in England (December 4) and won another battle (Falkirk, Jan. 17, 1746) before retreating to the Highlands. The end came on April 16, when William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, crushed the Jacobite army at the Battle of Culloden, near Inverness. About 80 of the rebels were executed; many more were hunted down and wantonly killed or driven into exile; and Charles, hounded for months by government searching parties, barely escaped to the Continent (September 20).Jacobitism thereafter declined as a serious political force but remained as a sentiment. “The king over the water” gained a certain sentimental appeal, especially in the Scottish Highlands; and a whole body of Jacobite songs came into being. By the late 18th century the name had lost many of its political overtones; and George III even gave a pension to the last pretender, Henry Stuart, Cardinal York.Additional ReadingMurray G.H. Pittock, Jacobitism (1998); Edward Gregg, Jacobitism (1988); Paul Kléber Monod, Jacobitism and the English People, 1688–1788 (1989, reissued 1993); and Bruce Lenman, The Jacobite Cause (1986), offer a good cross section of views on this highly contentious subject.John S. Morrill* * *
Universalium. 2010.