Italian sonnet.
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Italian sonnet — n. PETRARCHAN SONNET * * * … Universalium
Italian sonnet — n. PETRARCHAN SONNET … English World dictionary
Italian sonnet — noun a sonnet consisting of an octave with the rhyme pattern abbaabba, followed by a sestet with the rhyme pattern cdecde or cdcdcd • Syn: ↑Petrarchan sonnet • Hypernyms: ↑sonnet * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized I : petrarchan sonnet * * * … Useful english dictionary
Italian sonnet — noun Date: 1613 a sonnet consisting of an octave rhyming abba abba and a sestet rhyming in any of various patterns (as cde cde or cdc dcd) called also Petrarchan sonnet … New Collegiate Dictionary
Italian sonnet — noun Petrarchan sonnet … Wiktionary
Italian sonnet — Ital′ian son′net n. pro Petrarchan sonnet • Etymology: 1875–80 … From formal English to slang
Italian sonnet — /ɪˌtæljən ˈsɒnət/ (say i.talyuhn sonuht) noun → Petrarchan sonnet …
Italian sonnet. — See Petrarchan sonnet. [1875 80] … Useful english dictionary
Sonnet — The sonnet is one of the poetic forms that can be found in lyric poetry from Europe. The term sonnet derives from the Occitan word sonet and the Italian word sonetto , both meaning little song. By the thirteenth century, it had come to signify a… … Wikipedia
sonnet — sonnetlike, adj. /son it/, n. 1. Pros. a poem, properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea, or sentiment, of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to one of certain definite schemes, being in the… … Universalium