isolated set

isolated set
Math. a set containing none of its accumulation points, consisting, therefore, of only isolated points.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • isolated set — Math. a set containing none of its accumulation points, consisting, therefore, of only isolated points …   Useful english dictionary

  • isolated — [ī′sə lāt΄əd] adj. 1. set apart; separate; solitary [an isolated lighthouse] 2. not occurring or happening regularly or frequently; rare [an isolated instance of violence] …   English World dictionary

  • isolated point — n. a separated or distant point of a set of points, as in graphing certain equations (e.g. y2=x2(x 1) has many solutions that graphically form a curve but has one solution (0,0) that is isolated from this curve) …   English World dictionary

  • Isolated point — 0 is an isolated point of A In topology, a branch of mathematics, a point x of a set S is called an isolated point of S, if there exists a neighborhood of x not containing other points of S. In particular, in a Euclidean space (or in a …   Wikipedia

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  • isolated point — Math. a point in a set such that the neighborhood of the point is devoid of any other points belonging to the set. * * * …   Universalium

  • isolated — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. secluded, apart, alone, solitary, insular, segregated, confined, sequestered, quarantined, screened, withdrawn, rustic, backwoods, separate, lonely, forsaken, hidden, remote, out of the way, unfrequented, lonesome, in a …   English dictionary for students

  • isolated point — Math. a point in a set such that the neighborhood of the point is devoid of any other points belonging to the set …   Useful english dictionary

  • isolated — Synonyms and related words: abandoned, alien, alienated, alone, aloof, anchoretical, anomalous, anonymous, apart, archipelagian, archipelagic, at rest, calm, cloistered, closet, companionless, cool, cordoned, cordoned off, cut off, deserted,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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