Ishtar Terra

Ishtar Terra
/ter"euh/, Astron.
a plateau region in the northern hemisphere of Venus.

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▪ Venusian surface feature
      the smaller of two continent-sized highland areas (terrae) on the planet Venus. Ishtar lies in Venus's northern hemisphere, extending from about latitude 45° N to 75° N and from about longitude 300° E to 75° E. It is about half the size of Aphrodite Terra and comparable in surface area to Australia.

      Ishtar comprises several distinct physiographic provinces. The dominant feature of western Ishtar is Lakshmi Planum, a high, flat, lava-covered plateau. Lakshmi is bounded on most sides by mountain ranges and has been likened to the Plateau of Tibet. Major mountain belts that surround Lakshmi include Akna Montes to the northwest, Freyja Montes to the north, and Vesta Rupes and Danu Montes to the south. All of these mountain belts appear to have formed by compressive tectonic folding (fold) and faulting (fault) of the Venusian lithosphere. Lakshmi is bounded on the east by the mountain range Maxwell Montes, the highest terrain on Venus, which peaks at about 11 km (7 miles).

      The eastern portion of Ishtar is geologically complex, consisting largely of tessera (Latin: “mosaic tile”) terrain. Fortuna Tessera, the main feature of eastern Ishtar, appears extraordinarily rugged and highly deformed in radar images, displaying many different trends of parallel ridges and troughs that cut across one another at a wide range of angles. The geologic processes that formed Ishtar are not well understood, but they probably included thickening of the Venusian crust in response to motions in the planet's mantle.

Steven W. Squyres

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Universalium. 2010.

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