
/ee"skyah/, n.
1. an Italian island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, W of Naples: earthquake 1883. 18 sq. mi. (47 sq. km).
2. a seaport on this island. 14,139.

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Island, southern Italy.

Located in the Tyrrhenian Sea between the Gulf of Gaeta and the Bay of Naples, it has a circumference of 21 mi (34 km) and an area of 18 sq mi (47 sq km) and consists almost entirely of volcanic rock. It rises to 2,585 ft (788 m) at Monte Epomeo, an extinct volcano, which gives its name to the island's famous wine. Known for its mild climate and mineral springs, it is a popular resort area. The chief towns, including Ischia, are located in the north.

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Universalium. 2010.

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