- ipsilateral
—ipsilaterally, adv.pertaining to, situated on, or affecting the same side of the body: ipsilateral paralysis. Cf. contralateral.[1905-10; < L ipsi- (comb. form of ipse oneself, the very one) + LATERAL]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
ipsilatéral — ● ipsilatéral, ipsilatérale, ipsilatéraux adjectif (latin ipse, même, et lateralis, latéral) Synonyme de homolatéral. ● ipsilatéral, ipsilatérale, ipsilatéraux (expressions) adjectif (latin ipse, même, et lateralis, latéral) E … Encyclopédie Universelle
ipsilateral — adj. 2 g. Que está do mesmo lado (ex.: recorrência ipsilateral do tumor da mama). = HOMOLATERAL ‣ Etimologia: latim ipse, a, um, o próprio, o mesmo + lateral … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
ipsilateral — (adj.) 1907, from L. ipse self + LATERAL (Cf. lateral) … Etymology dictionary
ipsilateral — [ip΄sə lat′ər əl] adj. [< L ipse, self + LATERAL] on or affecting the same side of the body … English World dictionary
Ipsilateral — Die Lage und Richtungsbezeichnungen dienen in der Anatomie zur Beschreibung der Position (situs), der Lage (versio) und des Verlaufs einzelner Strukturen. Zum Teil sind diese Bezeichnungen auch Bestandteil anatomischer Namen. Während sich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ipsilateral — adjective /ˌɪpsɪˈlætərəl/ on the same side of the body. The stroke was characterised by ipsilateral paralysis. Syn: homolateral Ant: contralateral … Wiktionary
ipsilateral — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Latin ipse self, himself + later , latus side Date: 1907 situated or appearing on or affecting the same side of the body • ipsilaterally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ipsilatéral — Système de référence en anatomie Les trois principaux plans de l anatomie des vertébrés : sagittal, transverse et frontal. Un système de référence en anatomie, désigne la terminologie utilisée pour se repérer de façon précise dans la… … Wikipédia en Français
ipsilateral — same side. Opposite of contralateral … Dictionary of ichthyology
ipsilateral — adj. [L. ipse, same; latus, side] Pertaining to or situated on the same side; see contralateral … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology