- Ionian mode
an authentic church mode represented on the white keys of a keyboard instrument by an ascending scale from C to C.[1835-45]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Ionian mode — The Ionian mode is a musical mode of diatonic scale. It was part of the music theory of ancient Greece, and was based around the relative natural scale in C (that is, the same as playing all the white notes of a piano from C to C). This simple… … Wikipedia
Ionian mode — Ionic I*on ic, a. [L. Ionicus, Gr. ?, fr. ? Ionia.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch.) Pertaining to the Ionic order of architecture, one of the three orders invented by the Greeks, and one of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ionian mode — noun Usage: usually capitalized I 1. : the Greek hypophrygian mode 2. : an authentic ecclesiastical mode consisting of a pentachord and an upper conjunct tetrachord represented on the white keys of the piano by an ascending diatonic scale from C… … Useful english dictionary
Ionian mode — noun Music the mode represented by the natural diatonic scale C–C (the major scale) … English new terms dictionary
Ionian mode — /aɪˈoʊniən moʊd/ (say uy ohneeuhn mohd) noun a musical scale, represented by the white keys of a keyboard instrument, beginning on C …
Ionian — of Ionia, the districts of ancient Greece inhabited by the Ionians (including Attica and the north coast of the Peloponnesus, but especially the coastal strip of Asia Minor, including the islands of Samos and Chios). The name (which Herodotus… … Etymology dictionary
Ionian — 1. adjective a) Relating to the Hellenic people of that name. b) Ionic, of Ionia, the ancient (ca 1100 BC) region including western Asia Minor and the adjacent Aegean Islands occupied by the Ionian people. See Also … Wiktionary
Ionian — n. & adj. n. a native or inhabitant of ancient Ionia in W. Asia Minor. adj. of or relating to Ionia or the Ionians. Phrases and idioms: Ionian mode Mus. the mode represented by the natural diatonic scale C C. Etymology: L Ionius f. Gk Ionios … Useful english dictionary
mode — mode1 /mohd/, n. 1. a manner of acting or doing; method; way: modern modes of transportation. 2. a particular type or form of something: Heat is a mode of motion. 3. a designated condition or status, as for performing a task or responding to a… … Universalium
Musical mode — This article is about modes as used in music. For other uses, see Mode (disambiguation). Modern Dorian mode on C Play … Wikipedia